About the Office of Strategic Planning

Learn about who we are.

Strategic Planning reports to the chief financial officer, and is responsible for managing a world-class strategy function that includes implementing cross-functional initiatives that support organization-wide growth targets designed to improve net income and revenue.

The office supports the Executive Leadership Team in developing long-term strategies and priorities. It tracks progress on strategic initiatives, develops strategic reports and assists in sharing results with postal stakeholders and the general public. It also develops the USPS five-year strategic plan.

Strategic Management Office

The Strategic Management Office assists senior management in identifying, developing, and implementing strategic initiatives. The office uses a structured process that ensures strategic initiatives are supported by rigorously tested data, aligned with corporate priorities, include appropriate cross-functional involvement, and deliver results. It facilitates regular review of strategic initiatives by the Executive Leadership Team to evaluate progress and resolve issues. 

Strategic Business Planning

Strategic Business Planning is responsible for developing business intelligence on emerging external trends that may affect USPS initiatives and priorities. The group coordinates with experts across the organization to develop insights and recommendations on best practices that improve the value of mail and encourage innovation. It assists in the development of detailed functional strategies and in the preparation of high-level business cases for significant change initiatives.

Emil Dzuray, Director, Strategic Planning
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW RM 5125
Washington, DC 20260-5125

J. Otis Smith, Manager, Strategic Management Office
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW RM 5136
Washington, DC 20260-5136

Kent B. Smith, Manager, Strategic Business Planning
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW RM 5127
Washington, DC 20260-5127