Grant Review

How Grants are Reviewed

All submitted funding applications undergo a two-step peer review process by outside scientific experts. In the first step, your grant application will be reviewed by a study section organized by NIH’s Center for Scientific Review or NIDDK. The study section will assign numeric priority ratings to your application based on its scientific merit and feasibility. Specific criteria for review can be found in the funding announcement for your grant.

In the second step, the NIDDK's National Advisory Council approves the study section's recommendations. This process is mandated by U.S. law.

Tracking an Application

Information specific to your application will be posted to your eRA Commons account throughout its review.

Become an NIDDK Reviewer

NIDDK looks for reviewers at different career stages with a wide variety of scientific expertise.

Submit your CV

Benefits include:

  • Giving back to the scientific community
  • Staying abreast of the current state of the science
  • Improving your own grant applications by being familiar with the process