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Call for Biennial Review Submission for Executive Allocations for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023

Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Call for Biennial Review Submission for Executive Allocations for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023

This memorandum announces the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) annual data call to Executive Departments and Agencies, and Offices of Inspectors General (OIG), to submit requests for a specific number of Senior Executive Service (SES), Senior Level (SL), and Scientific/Professional (ST) allocations for Fiscal Years (FY) 2022 and 2023. Responses to this memorandum should be submitted to OPM no later than close of business on December 31, 2020. 

According to 5 U.S.C. § 3133(a), Federal agencies are required – during each even-numbered calendar year (CY) – to examine their needs for SES positions for each of the two fiscal years beginning after such calendar year, and to submit to OPM a written request for any changes. By practice, Federal agencies also conduct the same examination and submit a similar written request to OPM for their positions in the SL and ST pay systems.  

Initial response needed by December 31, 2020: all agencies must complete and submit the “FY 2022-2023 Biennial Review – Agency Response Template” (attached) indicating their intent to: 

  • maintain, increase or decrease their established executive resources allocations (i.e., SES, SL, and ST positions); and/or
  • request changes in their current executive resource’s allocations, such as a conversion of existing allocations, (e.g., from SES to SL or ST), or a redesignation of positions (e.g., from General to Career Reserved). 

Detailed response needed by April 30, 2021: if your agency will be requesting an increase, decrease, or changes in your current executive resource allocations, then you must submit the detailed documentation (FY2022-2023 Biennial Review SES/SL/ST Allocations Agency Cover Page, plus associated templates).

OPM expects agencies to be judicious in making requests for additional allocations.  Agency assessments should include a rigorous evaluation to ensure the effective utilization of all existing allocations and to determine if positions are still appropriately classified.  Agency Heads should consider mission priorities in determining the number of allocations to submit to OPM.  Priority will be given to requests based upon new or changed legislation, or other newly identified critical needs.  Requests based upon on-going initiatives or positions with an accretion of duties (i.e., promotions) may not be considered a priority. Additionally, agencies will be required to address in detail vacancy rates that exceed 8 percent.  

If you or your staff have any questions or require any assistance, please contact Karen English by telephone at (202) 606-2747 or Phyllis Proctor by telephone at (202) 606-2683 or by email at

cc:  Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs), Deputy CHCOs, and Human Resources Directors 

Attachment (see 508-conformant PDFs below)

Initial Response Attachment:  OPM Form 5028 FY2022-2023 Agency Response Template due by December 31, 2020. 

Detailed Response Attachments due by April 30, 2021:

  • FY2022-2023 Biennial Review SES/SL/ST Allocations Agency Cover Page
  • FY2022-2023 Biennial Review SES/SL/ST New Allocation Request Template
  • FY2022-2023 Biennial Review SES/SL/ST Conversion Request Template
  • FY2022-2023 Biennial Review SES Position Redesignation Template
  • FY2022-2023 Biennial Review Agency Guidance