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Health Impact Assessment Tracking

Tracking Data for Health Impact Assessments

Data on the National Tracking Network

The National Tracking Network includes data about community design elements, asthma, outdoor air quality, socioeconomic indicators, and more. You can go directly to the data query section of the network to explore these data or visit the data user's guide and for information about how to use Tracking Network data in an HIA. Also, this video will show you how to do a data search on the Tracking Network.

Data on State and Local Networks

CDC funds 23 states and 1 city to build and maintain local tracking networks as part of the National Tracking Network. These local networks may include data that are not on CDC's website. Some of these unique data also may be helpful for conducting HIAs. You can access all 24 state and local networks from this page.

Finding the Data You Need

In addition to providing data through the websites, state and local tracking programs can provide custom data for different levels of geography by request. For example, some tracking programs can provide data for specific ZIP codes or at a community-level. State and city tracking programs can assist with interpretation and visualization of tracking data. For more information, contact CDC's National Tracking Network or explore the state and local networks.

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