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Model Diagnostics
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Model Diagnostic Discussion

Model Verification

Model Biases

NCEP Synergy Meeting Highlights

Numerical Model Output

Model Diagnostic Discussion

The Model Diagnostic Discussion NFDPMDHMD describes performance attributes of several numerical forecast models for the most recent 00Z or 12Z run.

Please note that this product will be discontinued as of Saturday, August 15, 2020. For more information, refer to this Service Change Notice (SCN).

WPC will continue to include forecaster evaluations of model guidance in other text discussions, which are described in the SCN. In particular, note that the Extended Forecast Discussion (PMDEPD) has a section specifically providing a guidance and predictability assessment. Additionally, advanced graphical tools comparing model guidance, including climatological context, are available from WPC's Forecast Tools page.

NAM and GFS Model Trend Graphics

These graphics supplement the Model Diagnostic Discussion by comparing 500-mb geopotential height and sea level pressure every 6-h from F00-F84 from the most recent 00Z or 12Z NAM and GFS model runs to output from the model initialized 12 hours and 24 hours earlier. Difference fields between the current and older runs can also be displayed.
NAM 500-mb Height
NAM Sea Level Pressure
GFS 500-mb Height
GFS Sea Level Pressure

Model Verification

The links below allow you to ascertain how well a model forecast has verified as a function of forecast hour, cycle, and field. For some fields two map projections are provided, one over the CONUS, and a second over Alaska.


00/12 UTC Cycle CONUS

00/12 UTC Cycle Alaska

06/18 UTC Cycle CONUS

06/18 UTC Cycle Alaska

00/12 UTC Cycle CONUS

00/12 UTC Cycle Alaska

06/18 UTC Cycle CONUS

06/18 UTC Cycle Alaska


00/12 UTC Cycle CONUS

00/12 UTC Cycle Alaska

00/12 UTC Cycle CONUS

00/12 UTC Cycle Alaska


00/12 UTC Cycle CONUS

00/12 UTC Cycle Alaska

06/18 UTC Cycle CONUS

06/18 UTC Cycle Alaska

00/12 UTC Cycle CONUS

00/12 UTC Cycle Alaska

06/18 UTC Cycle CONUS

06/18 UTC Cycle Alaska


00/12 UTC Cycle CONUS

00/12 UTC Cycle Alaska

00/12 UTC Cycle CONUS

00/12 UTC Cycle Alaska

NCEP EMC provides performance statistics on the models at the NCEP EMC MODEL PERFORMANCE site.

Model Biases

Model bias information is provided in two ways:
  1. Subjectively (by compiling impressions from forecasters)
  2. Objectively (by automated comparison of model forecasts to model initialization)

Subjective List of Observed Model Biases

Interactive Objective Comparision of Model Biases
(Requires a frames-capable browser with JavaScript enabled. It is recommended that you have a screen resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels.)

NCEP Synergy Meeting Highlights

Meetings between EMC, NCO, the NCEP Operational Centers, MDL, and NWS Regions were held routinely to discuss short-term model implementation plans in concert with super computer and communication system development. These meetings were discontinued after May, 2019 as the information was readily available through other resources.
Archived Highlights

Numerical Model Output
Links to sites with model output 

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Page last modified: Tuesday, 18-Aug-2020 12:17:27 UTC