U.S. Department of the Interior

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Reclamation Awards

Part of OSMRE's Congressionally mandated mission is to ensure that coal mines are reclaimed after mining is complete, including the reclamation of mines abandoned before the enactment of a Federal surface mining law in 1977. As part of that mission, the bureau has for decades recognized deserving state regulatory agencies and coal mining companies with two annual award programs: one for high-quality reclamation projects at mines abandoned prior to when Congress enacted the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, (SMCRA), the other for reclamation of mines that began operating after the passage of the law.

AML Award Logo

Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Awards

The Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Awards recognize outstanding abandoned mine land reclamation in the United States and showcase exemplary reclamation techniques. Only projects funded wholly or in part and completed by approved state or tribal regulatory programs are eligible to win. A panel of judges composed of directors of state reclamation programs and OSMRE managers vote to determine the winners.
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Active Mine Award Logo

Excellence in Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Awards

The Excellence in Surface Coal Mining Awards are presented to coal mining companies that achieve the most exemplary mining and reclamation in the country. Typically, winners demonstrate a commitment to using sound mining practices and executing highly effective reclamation plans designed to enhance post-mining beneficial use of the land.
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Previous Winners

Since 1986, OSMRE has presented awards to coal mine operators who completed exemplary reclamation with a parallel award program for abandoned mine land reclamation commencing in 1992.
View information on previous Excellence in Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Award Winners
View information on previous Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Awards Winners.

ECHO  Award Logo

ECHO Award

OSMRE named the award the ECHO to signify the most common principles behind the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA). Namely, the Environment, Community, Humanity and Ownership. The 2014 ECHO Award is the third to be awarded by OSMRE. In 2012, the bureau first began recognizing individuals for their contributions to support and strengthen SMCRA, the law designed to protect people and the environment from the adverse effects of coal mining while providing for the Nation’s energy needs.
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Partners in Conservation Awards

The Partners in Conservation Awards recognize outstanding examples of conservation legacies achieved when the Department of the Interior engages groups and individuals representing a wide range of backgrounds, ages and interests to work collaboratively to renew lands and resources.
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Page Last Modified/Reviewed: 4/24/17

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240
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