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Performance Measures

Doucefleur / shutterstock.com (see reuse policy).


New Grants and Payment Management Systems Now Available

The Justice Grants System (JustGrants) and the Department of the Treasury’s Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) are now available for all award management and payment activities. OJP award recipients can login to JustGrants or visit the informational website for further resources and support. In addition, ASAP is now available for enrolled Department of Justice award recipients to request funds. Reference the user guide for information on how to request funds in ASAP.


OJJDP is required to set clear program goals and collect performance measure data to demonstrate achievement of those goals. All recipients of OJJDP funding are required to collect and report performance data that demonstrate the results of funded activities.

To demonstrate program progress and success, as well as assist the office with fulfilling its responsibilities under the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA), Public Law 103-62; the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010, Public Law 111-352; and the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, 2 CFR 200.328, applicants that receive funding from OJJDP must provide regular performance data that measures the results of the work done under the solicitation.

What are performance measures?

Performance measures are a specific value or characteristic that measure the output or outcome of a grantee’s activities and services in demonstrating accomplishment of the goals and objectives of OJJDP's programs.

Where can I find my program's performance measures?

Performance measures for individual programs can be found through a link in the solicitation or in the performance measures table in the solicitation's appendix. Solicitations are available on the Open Funding Opportunities page. Grant programs that report in the Performance Measures Tool (PMT) can also access copies of their performance measures from the OJJDP PMT Website.

How do I get access to the Performance Measures Tool?

If you are a new grantee, you will receive an email before your first reporting period opens with instructions for how to create your account in the Performance Measures Tool. If you already have an account, your new award will appear in the tool once the first reporting period opens. For further assistance, grantees can contact the OJJDP PMT Helpdesk. Users can access the Performance Measures Tool at https://ojpsso.ojp.gov.

Next: Reporting Requirements and Dates