
The health, safety and security of our Volunteers are our highest priority. Our program depends on the generosity of your private donations, and we appreciate your patience as we ensure the well-being of our Volunteers.
Covid-19 Advisory for Donors

Featured Projects & Funds

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  • Technology
  • Peace Corps Volunteers are working with men and women in communities throughout the developing world to help them gain access to information technology skills and resources. Consistent with all Peace Corps volunteer work, their efforts are aimed at the promotion of social and economic development and the reduction of poverty. …
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  • Health
  • Donations to the Health and HIV/AIDS Fund will help combat global health issues such as poor nutrition, the spread of infectious diseases, and the devastating social and economic impact of HIV/AIDS. In order to help alleviate these problems, Volunteers and their host communities are planning and implementing projects which focus …
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  • Community Growth
  • Contributions to the Municipal Development Fund will support overarching capacity building across all sectors, such as health, education, and waste management. Projects range from improving public spaces and buildings, like classrooms, clinics, and parks to promoting civic education and participation in municipal decisions. Municipal projects area foundation on which communities …
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    Give in honor of Peace Corps Volunteers.

    Memorial Funds

    Donation FAQs

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    The Peace Corps Partnership Program (PCPP) connects Volunteers and their communities with the private sector in the U.S. and around the world in order to fund community initiated and led projects...
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    Yes. All donations to the Peace Corps are gifts to the United States for exclusively public purposes within the meaning of section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code and are deductible as charitable contributions...
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    Every penny! Your entire donation to the Peace Corps Partnership Program (PCPP) will be directed to a Volunteer project. No part of your donation will be used to cover staff or overhead costs...
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