Intellectual Property underpins nearly every aspect of our economy – it supports good paying jobs, it supports the arts, sciences and technology, and it creates a framework that allows new industries and innovations to flourish. The Office of the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator is focused on promoting and protecting our great competitive advantage – our nation’s innovative economy. The Office coordinates and develops the United States’ overall intellectual property policy and strategy, to promote innovation & creativity, and to ensure effective intellectual property protection and enforcement, domestically and abroad.

What’s New
Strategies, Initiatives, and Reports
About IPEC

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IPEC: What’s New

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IPEC: Strategies, Initiatives, and Reports












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About IPEC


Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution recognizes the fundamental importance of intellectual property and its protection to the United States. Intellectual property underpins nearly every aspect of our economy – it supports good paying jobs, it supports the arts, sciences and technology, and it creates the framework that allows new industries and innovations to flourish. The Office of the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator is focused on promoting and protecting our great competitive advantage – our nation’s innovative economy.

Overall, the Office works to advance pro-growth policies, to protect our nation’s continued economic and innovative competitiveness, promote new engines of growth, and America’s innovative and creative capacity.

The Office coordinates and develops the United States’ overall intellectual property policy and strategy, to promote innovation & creativity, and to ensure effective intellectual property protection and enforcement, domestically and abroad.

The Office works with a broad range of Executive Branch agencies and departments to ensure that the government’s efforts are focused and well-coordinated.

The Office, in coordination with Executive Branch agencies and departments, engages with stakeholders and international partners to address intellectual property issues, impacting: infringement, market access, competition, digital trade, cybersecurity, and rule of law concerns in the intellectual property space, around the world. Additionally, the Office in coordination relevant Executive Branch agencies and departments, works to expand law enforcement cooperation, to ensure that our intellectual property laws are enforced, protecting supply chains, and promoting public health & safety.

The goal is to ensure a level playing field for American innovators and creators, where their innovations and creations are respected and protected, and for systems to be in place that allow American businesses to operate in a free, fair and open marketplace.

Contact IPEC

U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator

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