The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is preparing plans for the proposed Washington Union Station Expansion Project. The Union Station Redevelopment Corporation (USRC), in coordination with the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak), has proposed expanding and modernizing the multimodal transportation facilities at Washington Union Station.
This page provides information related to NCPC’s review, including Commission meeting materials and documents associated with National Environmental Policy Act and National Historic Preservation Act processes.

Project Overview

The project is needed to improve rail capacity, reliability, safety, efficiency, accessibility, and security, for both current and future long-term railroad operations at this historic station. The major project components include reconfiguration of the station tracks, a new train hall, bus facilities, and replacement parking facilities.

NEPA Process
FRA is currently preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to evaluate the proposed project. NCPC is a cooperating agency due to the Commission’s approval authority for projects on federal land. The historic station, existing parking structure, and bus facilities are located on federal (FRA) land. NCPC will provide comments on the DEIS during the comment period. Public comments on the DEIS should be provided to FRA.

NCPC Review
The Commission will review site and building plans for the FRA project as they are developed. The next concept review is anticipated after the conclusion of the DEIS review period. Subsequent preliminary and final reviews will occur as the project design development advances.

Adjacent Development
NCPC has reviewed several separate projects in and near Union Station. These include perimeter security (2008) and the Metro Station access and capacity enhancements (2014). NCPC will review referrals from the Zoning Commission for comments regarding the proposed private air rights development adjacent to the station. NCPC recently heard an Information Presentation on this development.

Project Information

NCPC File Number: 7746
Applicant: United States Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration
Applicant Project Website:
NCPC Role: Review site and building plans in accordance with the National Capital Planning Act.
Project Officer: Matthew Flis
Review Type: Approval
NEPA: Required
NHPA/Section 106: Required
Address: 50 Massachusetts Avenue, NE

Project Location

NCPC Review Status