About the Update

The Comprehensive Plan's Federal Workplace Element establishes policies that emphasize Washington as the seat of the federal government; efficiently plan and locate federal workplaces to contribute to the National Capital Region’s economic well-being; promote resource protection; and provide sustainable and healthy work environments for the federal workforce. NCPC uses these policies to guide agency actions, including review of projects and long-range plans that affect federal buildings, installations, campuses, and master plans. The Comprehensive Plan's elements are updated on a rolling basis, with the Federal Workplace Element last updated in 2016.

On July 11, 2019, the Commission released the draft update of the Federal Workplace Element for a 60-day public comment period that closed on September 16, 2019.

Read the Element

Comment Period Closed

Open House Info Boards

What's New?

The Federal Workplace Element provides policy guidance to improve the operational efficiency and productivity for the planning, location, design, and operation of federal workplaces. It encourages agencies and their communities to work together to improve their economic health and livability. The element provides workplace policy guidance at different scales, ranging long-term planning of federal workplaces, to locational decisions and how site and buildings are managed and designed, and to how federal agencies can better integrate with their surrounding communities.

The following guiding principles serve as the element’s organizational framework:

  • 1

    Adapt to the Changing Needs of the Federal Workplace

    How can the federal government adapt to the changing workplace needs, while improving use of federally owned property and reuse of underutilized property?
  • 2

    Locate Federal Facilities Strategically

    How can the federal government select location-efficient sites and prioritize locating federal facilities that advance local and regional planning goals?
  • 3

    Design Sustainable and Healthy Work Environments

    How can the federal government consider health and well-being in the design of the workplace?
  • 4

    Integrate Federal Facilities with Their Surrounding Communities

    How can the federal government contribute to the surrounding community and collaborate to share and leverage resources?


  • Commission Meeting

    The Commission authorized release of the draft Federal Workplace Element for public comment.

    View Draft Element View Presentation Watch the Video

  • Public Comment Period Opens

    The comment period begins with the official notice published in the Federal Register.

    Federal Register Notice

  • Open Houses

    NCPC hosted two open house events for the public to learn more about the updates to the Federal Workplace Element. Both meetings covered the same content.

    Info Boards Presentation

  • Public Comment Period Closed

    NCPC accepted public comments on the Federal Workplace Element through September 16, 2019.