Online Meetings

Participating in Online Meetings

How to submit written comments, testify, and watch

NCPC’s Commission meetings will take place online until further notice, in response to the COVID-19 virus situation, the January 7, 2021 is our regularly scheduled Commission meeting.

Members of the public can still participate during Commission meetings. You may:
  • View the Commission meeting agenda and meeting materials online.
  • Watch the Commission meeting live online, or later on archived meeting videos available on our website 3-5 business days after the meeting. Please note: live video streams have a 30-60 second delay, so mute the volume while testifying.
  • Provide written comments on specific agenda items in advance of the meeting to be shared with Commissioners. The deadline to submit these in a pdf document to by 12:00 pm (noon) is on the Wednesday prior to the Commission meeting (noon on Wednesday, January 6 for the January 7 meeting). To ensure the Commission has time to review and consider your comments, please turn comments in as early as possible. Note: Comments provided by the Thursday prior to the Commission meeting will be attached to the staff report and distributed to the Commission with their meeting materials.
  • Sign up to testify remotely on specific agenda items through written testimony or via phone during the meeting. The deadline to register on Final Action Items listed in the Final Agenda is 12:00 pm (noon) on the Wednesday prior to the Commission meeting (noon on Wednesday, January 6 for the January 7 meeting).
Important notes for those wanting to testify at the meeting

Public comment is an important part of the Commission process. For virtual meetings, NCPC will use the following procedures to ensure reasonable, accessible testimony opportunities, that testimony is presented to the Commission during the meeting, and that technological problems are minimized.

  • Register to speak by 12:00 pm (noon) on the Wednesday prior to the Commission meeting deadline (noon on Wednesday, January 6 for the January 7 meeting). Registering online is the preferred way to testify on meeting items or you may call NCPC’s offices at (202) 482-7200 to register to speak, providing your name and phone number. Please be sure to include the phone number you will use to testify during the meeting when you register. You must email a pdf copy of your written testimony to by the same 12:00 pm (noon) deadline on the Wednesday before the meeting. This is important because if there are technical issues, we will read your testimony into the official record at the meeting. Any exhibits or presentations must also be provided to NCPC electronically by this 12:00 pm (noon) date. You may reference exhibits in your testimony, which will be provided to the Commission. To ensure the Commission has time to review and consider your comments, please turn materials in as early as possible.
  • You will receive an email or phone call with information on when and how to call into the meeting by phone to provide testimony for a specific agenda item. NCPC staff may contact you prior to the meeting to confirm that you can successfully connect into the meeting through a phone conference bridge.
  • Public testimony will be provided at the start of the agenda item before the staff presentation. Testimony is provided by phone. You will call the phone line, and an NCPC staff person will admit you into the meeting prior to the Commission taking up your agenda item. An NCPC staff person will confirm that you are registered to provide testimony and check for any audio or other technology issues. You will mute your phone, and remain on the line, where you can listen to the meeting.
  • When it is your turn to speak, the Chair will request that you unmute your phone line and proceed with your testimony (the public will testify in the order in which the registration was received). The Commission Secretary will announce when your time is complete. The Commissioners may ask you questions. Once you have answered any questions, please mute your phone. We recommend that you leave the call, and watch the meeting live online. If you experience technical difficulties, please try to rejoin the call. If you are not on the call, staff will read your submitted testimony at the meeting.
  • At the end of the public testimony, all speakers will be dismissed from the phone line. No further public testimony will be accepted after this time.
  • We expect that all participants will be respectful throughout the public testimony process. Do not interrupt or disrupt other parties providing testimony, or request to speak after your testimony is complete. Otherwise, you may be dismissed from the meeting.
  • You will have three minutes to testify if you are representing yourself. You will have five minutes to testify if you are representing and organization. You must submit by email (to confirmation from the organization that you are its designated representative (usually this is on letterhead from the organization leader) no later than 12:00 pm (noon) on the Wednesday before the meeting.
  • Please note that written comments and public testimony are public information, will be included as part of the official record for the project and will be posted on NCPC’s website.
  • If you have questions, email or leave a message at 202.482.7200 and a staff member will return your call.
  • Reasonable accommodations are provided upon request. For more information, call 202-482-7200 or email:

These procedures ensure that we can conduct meetings online and have the benefit of public participation while safely practicing social distancing. We thank you for your patience.