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WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, U.S. Secretary of Energy. Dan Brouillette will virtually host the sixth meeting of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB) under this Administration. During the meeting, Secretary Brouillette, Deputy Secretary Mark W. Menezes, and the Board will discuss the importance of and advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, space exploration, and innovation.

Secretary Brouillette will also be making a joint announcement with NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine during this SEAB meeting.

The meeting and NASA announcement will be live-streamed on the Department of Energy’s Twitter: @ENERGY. Please reach out to and with any questions.


Secretary Brouillette

Deputy Secretary of Energy Mark W. Menezes

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine

WHATSecretary of Energy Advisory Board Meeting
WHEREWatch the live-stream on Twitter @ENERGY

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 from 1:00–5:00 PM Eastern

*DOE-NASA Announcement will begin at 1:30 PM Eastern


News Media Contact: (202) 586-4940