
The information contained in these articles is the view of the authors; FASAB determines its official position only after extensive due process.

Fall 2012AGA JournalHIG: It's a Question of Performance (PDF)Tom Allen
Spring 2012AGA JournalThe Challenge for Standards Setters: The Data Iceberg (PDF)Tom Allen
Fall 2011AGA JournalWhat Should be Included in the Financial Statements of our Nation's Government? (PDF)Tom Allen
Spring 2011AGA JournalFASAB: Stepping up to the Plate to Inform Fiscal Debate (PDF)Tom Allen
Spring 2011AGA JournalAnswering the Right Question at the Right Time: Why and How FASAB Added Fiscal Sustainability Information to Financial Reports (PDF)Wendy Payne
Fall 2010AGA JournalFASAB at 20: Looking Back and Thinking Ahead (PDF)Tom Allen
Spring 2010AGA JournalLong-Term Fiscal Fitness (PDF)Tom Allen
Spring 2010AGA JournalDefining the Boundaries of the Federal Government Reporting Entity: FASAB is Laying the Chalk Lines of this Wide Field in its Federal Entity Project (PDF)Melissa Batchelor
Winter 2009AGA JournalThe Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board Already Is Independent (PDF)Hal Steinberg
Fall 2009AGA JournalStandards-Setters’ Changes and Challenges (PDF)Tom Allen
Spring 2009AGA JournalThe Fiscal Report Card (PDF)Tom Allen
Winter 2008AGA JournalThe Government Management Reform Act of 1994: A Retrospective of Achievements and Remaining Challenges and a Look to the Future (PDF)Bob Dacey (co-authored with Jeff Steinhoff)
Fall 2008AGA JournalTremendous Accountability Opportunities on the Horizon (PDF)Tom Allen
Spring 2008AGA JournalThe Challenges of Standards-Setting (PDF)Tom Allen
Spring 2008AGA JournalTo Converge or Not to Converge? A question for modern-day standards-setters (PDF)Wendy Payne, Julia Ranagan
Fall 2007AGA JournalFASAB Takes a Closer Look at Fiscal Sustainability (PDF)Tom Allen
Spring 2007AGA JournalFASAB Business—Not So Usual (PDF)Tom Allen
Fall 2006AGA JournalBack to the Future of Federal Accounting Standards-Setting (PDF)David Mosso
Spring 2006AGA JournalFASAB—Major Progress After 15 Years, but Still a Long Way to Go (PDF)David Mosso
Fall 2005AGA JournalAccrual Accounting and Social Security (PDF)David Mosso
November 2005The Washington ConnectionFASAB at Fifteen (PDF)Melissa Loughan
Spring 2005AGA Journal of Government Financial Management (AGA Journal)Introduction to FASAB (PDF)David Mosso