
Contact Us
USTDA promotes mobility and security in emerging transportation markets by enhancing flight safety, airport expansion, airspace capacity, rail modernization, port logistics and intelligent urban design. USTDA also creates new export opportunities for U.S. suppliers of transportation technologies, systems and services.
Photo of factory workers making rail crossing equipment
Success in Mexico: Improving Railroad Crossing Safety
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Upcoming Events
U.S.-India Aviation Summit
Washington, D.C.
U.S.-India Aviation Summit
Southeast Asia Aviation Workshop: Airport Certification
Bali, Indonesia
Southeast Asia Aviation Workshop: Airport Certification
Reverse Trade Mission: India Airlines
Locations: TBD
Reverse Trade Mission: India Airlines
Reverse Trade Mission: West Africa Customs Modernization and Trade Facilitation
Boston, MA | San Diego, CA
Reverse Trade Mission: West Africa Customs Modernization and Trade Facilitation
Business Briefing: West Africa Customs Modernization and Trade Facilitation
Arlington, VA
Business Briefing: West Africa Customs Modernization and Trade Facilitation
Current RFPs
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Press Releases

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USTDA Funding to Support India’s Aviation Sector
Press Release

Arlington, VA – The U.S. Trade and Development Agency announced today that it will fund an innovative training initiative in collaboration with the U.S.-India Aviation…

USTDA, U.S. Industry to Expand Support of Southeast Asia’s Aviation Sector
Press Release

Arlington, VA – Today, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency announced it will fund a series of initiatives to support the sustainable growth of Southeast…

USTDA Launches Call for Initial Proposals to Expand U.S.-Southeast Asia Aviation Cooperation Program
Press Release

Arlington, VA – Today, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency issued a call for initial proposals to expand its grant-based support for feasibility studies, technical…

USTDA Announces 2021 Transportation Strategy for the Indo-Pacific
Press Release

Hanoi, Vietnam – The U.S. Trade and Development Agency today unveiled its strategic vision for expanding its Indo-Pacific transportation portfolio in 2021. The announcement was…

USTDA Launches Call for Initial Proposals to Expand Africa Initiatives
Press Release

Arlington, VA – Today, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency issued a call for initial proposals to expand its grant-based support for feasibility studies, technical…

Trade Leads

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The Gambia Port of Banjul Redevelopment
Trade Lead

Background: The U.S. Embassy in Banjul wishes to inform U.S. companies that the Government of the Republic of The Gambia (GOTG) will soon be seeking…

Success Stories
photo of weather event off Hout Bay
Advancing Weather Forecasting in South Africa

South Africa has one of the world’s most effective weather forecasting and warning systems, providing accurate and important information to millions of citizens and a…

Advancing Weather Forecasting in South Africa
People being trained on a port equipment simulator
Success in Mozambique: New Technology and Training Achieve Enhanced Safety and Greater Productivity

Mozambique’s Port of Maputo is among the industry’s leading innovators in Africa. By choosing to significantly invest in infrastructure, the port is meeting the needs…

Success in Mozambique: New Technology and Training Achieve Enhanced Safety and Greater Productivity
Photo of factory workers making rail crossing equipment
Success in Mexico: Improving Railroad Crossing Safety

USTDA’s partnership with the Mexican government is strengthening the safety of its railroad crossings using U.S. technology and expertise. And it’s a story that represents…

Success in Mexico: Improving Railroad Crossing Safety