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International Trade Administration

The International Trade Administration (ITA) was established on January
2, 1980, by the Secretary of Commerce to promote world trade and to strengthen the international trade and investment position of the United States. ITA is responsible for nonagricultural trade operations of the U.S. Government and supports the trade policy negotiation efforts of the U.S. Trade Representative.

ITA strengthens the competitiveness of U.S. industry, promotes trade and investment, and ensures fair trade through the rigorous enforcement of our trade laws and agreements. ITA works to improve the global business environment and helps U.S. organizations compete at home and abroad.

Agency URL:
Parent Agency
Commerce Department

Listing ofSignificant Documents

Showing 1-5 of 15 results since 1994. View 10 more results.

Listing ofRecently Published Documents

Showing 1-10 of 20290 results since 1994. View 20280 more results.