More than 1 million Americans are currently living with HIV, and it is a group that is aging. In 2014, approximately 45% of HIV-positive Americans were 50 or older, and demographics indicate that the population of HIV-positive older adults is likely to grow significantly over the next decade. While this represents a major public health achievement—as more individuals with HIV are enjoying longer, healthier lives through access to effective care and management—it also represents new challenges to both aging service providers and HIV/AIDS service providers.

In addition, a significant portion of new HIV infections occur among older adults. In 2015, 17% of new HIV diagnoses in the U.S. were adults 50 and older. It is clear that more needs to be done to inform individuals and aging network providers about the importance of educating older Americans about HIV prevention.

We’re pleased to offer these useful resources for aging professionals and others interested in designing programs for older adults about the prevention, treatment, and care of HIV/AIDS.

The HIV Testing Sites and Care Services Locator, a location-based search tool, allows you to search for testing services, housing providers, health centers and other service providers near your current location: The HIV Testing Sites and Care Services Locator.

The Health Resources and Services Administration funds Community Health Clinics which care for people, even if they have no health insurance. Find a federally funded health center near you, where you pay what you can afford, based on your income.

If transportation is a barrier to receiving HIV testing or health care, the Eldercare Locator can direct you to your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA). Many AAAs provide some form of transportation assistance or referral, as well as other services for older adults and their families.

ACL Resources

Older Adults and HIV/AIDS Toolkit

In 2012, 40% of people living with an HIV diagnosis in the United States were over the age of 49. Yet older adults are often overlooked in the ongoing HIV/AIDS conversation. Developed for the National Aging Network and others interested in educating older adults, the Administration on Aging's HIV: Know the Risks. Get the Facts. Older Adults and HIV/AIDS Toolkit contains helpful resources and materials specifically designed to inform older adults about the risks of HIV/AIDS and to encourage older adults to know their status.

Toolkit contents:

Poster Series

The Graying of HIV/AIDS: Community Resources for the Aging Services Network Webinar

This webinar, The Graying of HIV/AIDS: Community Resources for the Aging Services Network, explores community programs and resources associated with positive aging and prevention. To play WAV files you need a plug-in such as QuickTime, which is a free download. (January 25, 2012)

30th Anniversary of HIV/AIDS

This June 14, 2011, webinar, Positive Aging: HIV Turns 30, focuses on educating the Aging Network about HIV prevention and treatment specific to older adults.

HIV and Older Adults

Resources for Women


Last modified on 11/18/2019

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