U.S. Department of the Interior

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For More Information:

Josh Rockwell
Dam Safety Officer
(202) 208-2633

Contact OSMRE


Dam Safety

Approaches to Dam Safety have evolved throughout the years because of knowledge gained through dam failures. Dam Safety Programs have become a significant element in many agencies to ensure protection of the public and the environment, by reducing risks associated with dams.

Historical events have prompted the review of mechanisms to oversee the design, construction, maintenance and operation of dams. The impact resulted in the establishment of Dam Safety Programs, guidelines, directives, departmental manuals to help reduce risks associated with dams.

OSMRE Dam Safety Program

OSMRE's Dam Safety Team is comprised of Regional Dam Safety representatives and OSMRE's Dam Safety Officer. The Dam Safety Team works to review current regulations, directives, guidelines and other mechanisms to ensure that current practices are used.

The Dam Safety Officer, with the assistance of the Regional Dam Safety Team representitives maintains an inventory that includes hazard criteria (High, Significant and Low hazard dams), performance indicators, storage capacity, impoundment inspection status, location and other pertinent criteria for Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act dams. The inventory is based on the Mine Safety Health Administration's (MSHA's) definition of a dam.

OSMRE has recognized the importance of the Dam Safety Program for providing a mechanism to improve risk reduction in the design, construction and maintenance of mining operation activities.

Team Members

Title Contact
OSMRE Dam Safety Officer Josh Rockwell, (202) 208-2633
Appalachian Region Dam Safety Representative Stefanie Self, (412) 937-2105
Mid-Continent Region Dam Safety Representative Stephen Partney, (618) 463-6463 x5135
Western Region Dam Safety Representative Matthew Hulbert, (303) 236-4699


Page Last Modified/Reviewed: 6/26/20

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240
(202) 208-2565 | TTY: (202) 208-2694 | Email:

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