• Learn More about Working for Law Enforcement
  • Learn More about Arson Investigation
  • Learn More about Special Orders
  • Learn More about What We Do
  • Learn More about LEI Education

Caring for the Land and Serving People

Law enforcement is an integral part of the overall management of the National Forest System. Law enforcement personnel, line officers, and appropriate staff ensure that prevention, investigation, enforcement, and program management requirements are fully integrated into all National Forest System resource management programs. Law enforcement personnel operate as full partners within the Forest Service organization in carrying out the agency's mission, especially in upholding Federal laws and regulations that protect natural resources, agency employees, and the public. Accomplishment of the Forest Service law enforcement mission is a product of trust, cooperation, and collaboration between law enforcement personnel and other agency employees.

Our Mission

To serve people, protect natural resources and property within the authority and jurisdiction of the Forest Service.

Our Vision

The Law Enforcement and Investigations organization is an integral part of the Forest Service, recognized as leaders in public and employee safety, natural resource protection, and as a professional cooperator with other law enforcement agencies. The law enforcement organization is a diverse workforce committed to integrity, responsibility, and accountability.

Our Objectives

  1. Protect the public, employees, natural resources, and other property under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service,
  2. Investigate and enforce applicable laws and regulations which effect the National Forest System, and
  3. Prevent criminal violations through informing and educating visitors and users of applicable laws and regulations.