
American Community Survey Five-Year Estimates

NOAA Office for Coastal Management, U.S. Census Bureau


This survey contains detailed demographic, social, economic, and housing characteristics, with data provided as five-year estimates.

Data are available for selected coastal geographies:

  • Coastal Shoreline Counties
  • Coastal Watershed Counties
  • Coastal States; Coastal Zone Boundaries
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency Special Flood Hazard Area
  • U.S. Geological Survey 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Codes
  • National Estuarine Research Reserve System Target Watersheds and Large Watersheds
  • National Estuary Program Study Areas and Watersheds
  • 50-Mile Buffer Area from the Coastline
  • Hurricane-Prone Areas

Featured Resources

  • Data Description — A description of the geographies available and methods used to generate these data
  • Data Dictionary — A listing of the attributes available for the data
  • Coastal County Definitions — Definitions of the coastal shoreline counties and the coastal watershed counties

Additional Information

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