
SERDP and ESTCP promote partnerships among

  • the academic community
  • Federal research organizations
  • DoD and the military Services
  • private industry
  • regulatory authorities

These collaborative partnerships foster two-way communication between the community that develops new science and technology and the organizations and agencies whose acceptance is critical to the ultimate implementation of innovative solutions. Managers and regulators responsible for implementing solutions identify the most difficult challenges of the defense establishment, while researchers bring forth technologies and approaches that offer solutions to those challenges.

SERDP and ESTCP strongly encourage and facilitate collaboration within individual research and demonstration projects and among projects pursuing related objectives within a broader initiative to encourage synergy and avoid redundancy.

Partnering Organizations


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SERDP-ESTCP Headlines 2012 - Summer
Symposium 2020

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SERDP-ESTCP Headlines 2012 - Summer
Energy and Water
November 2019

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