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Research Guides in Focus – Guide to Law Online: U.S. States and Territories

This is a guest post by senior legal reference librarian Emily Carr.

The Law Library of Congress is pleased to announce the launch of a redesigned Guide to Law Online: U.S. States and Territories at its new Library of Congress Research Guides location. This project originally started in 1999 as an outgrowth of the nation-specific guide portal, with the state pages created to provide quick links to primary and selected secondary free online resources. At the time, such links tended to point to secondary sources, as few primary source materials (laws, cases, regulations, et al.) were offered freely online. Over the years, we have considerably expanded the Guide to Law Online to include new available content, focusing on official government websites whenever possible.

Our new platform is a welcome enhancement to the project, as it features collection details, from recommended bibliographic selections to highlights of the Library of Congress photo and map collections. Our Alaska page, for example, displays a Carol Highsmith photograph of Mount McKinley.

Screen capture of state LibGuide on Alaska

Guide to Law Online: U.S. Alaska.

For this initial launch, we will present the first five states/territories of Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, and Arkansas. Groups of 5-10 states will be added weekly as we make our way through the alphabet.

A team of content management interns, past and present, assisted with the initial migration (shout-outs to Adrian Applin, Angela Gonzalez-Curci, Julie McBrien, Emily McCutcheon, Christina Marquez, Ashley Matthews, and Lauren Shade). Our Librarian-in-Residence, Louis Myers, exhaustively reviewed and updated each page, with Anna Price providing extensive editorial review, and Barbara Bavis overseeing the final review and providing guidance.

Please take a look and provide us with your feedback!

One Comment

  1. CG
    December 12, 2020 at 6:13 am

    thank you!

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