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Study Section Study Section Description Scientific Review Officer
ACTS Arthritis, Connective Tissue and Skin Study Section Dr. Robert Gersch
AICS Atherosclerosis and Inflammation of the Cardiovascular System Study Section Dr. Natalia Komissarova
ANIE Acute Neural Injury and Epilepsy Study Section Dr. Elyse Schauwecker
APDA Adult Psychopathology and Disorders of Aging Study Section Dr. Benjamin Shapero
ARM Addiction Risks and Mechanisms Study Section Dr. Kristen Prentice
ASG Aging Systems and Geriatrics Study Section Dr. Inese Beitins
AUD Auditory System Study Section Dr. Brian Scott
AVI Atherosclerosis and Vascular Inflammation Dr. Natalia Komissarova
BACP Bacterial Pathogenesis Study Section Dr. Marci Scidmore
BBHV Basic Biology of Blood, Heart and Vasculature Dr. Ashlee Tipton
BBM Biochemistry and Biophysics of Membranes Study Section Dr. Nuria Assa-Munt
BCHI Biomedical Computing and Health Informatics Study Section Dr. Chittari Shivakumar
BDE Biology and Development of the Eye Dr. Thomas Beres
BDMA Biodata Management and Analysis Study Section Dr. Wenchi Liang
BGES Behavioral Genetics and Epidemiology Study Section Dr. Andrew Louden
BINP Brain Injury and Neurovascular Pathologies Study Section Dr. Alexander Yakovlev
BMBI Biomaterials and Biointerfaces Study Section Dr. Joseph Mosca
BMDM Basic Mechanisms of Diabetes and Metabolism Dr. Liliana Berti-Mattera
BMHO Biobehavioral Medicine and Health Outcomes Dr. Mark Vosvick
BMIO Behavioral Medicine, Interventions and Outcomes Study Section Dr. Mark Vosvick
BMRD Biostatistical Methods and Research Design Study Section Dr. Victoriya Volkova
BNRS Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Neuroimmunology, Rhythms, and Sleep Dr. Michael Selmanoff
BNVT Bioengineering of Neuroscience, Vision Technologies Study Section Dr. Robert Elliott
BPNS Biophysics of Neural Systems Study Section Dr. Geoffrey Schofield
BRLE Biobehavioral Regulation, Learning and Ethology Study Section Dr. Sara Hargrave
BTSS Bioengineering, Technology and Surgical Sciences Study Section Dr. Khalid Masood
BVS Biology of the Visual System Study Section Dr. Thomas Beres
CADO Cellular Aspects of Diabetes and Obesity Study Section Dr. Elaine Sierra-Rivera
CAMP Cancer Molecular Pathobiology Study Section Dr. Manzoor Zarger
CBSS Cancer Biomarkers Study Section Dr. Lawrence Ng
CCHF Cardiac Contractility, Hypertrophy, and Failure Study Section Dr. Abdelouahab Aitouche
CCHS Clinical Integrative Cardiovascular and Hematological Sciences Dr. Margaret Chandler
CDD Cardiovascular Differentiation and Development Study Section Dr. Sara Ahlgren
CDIN Chronic Dysfunction and Integrative Neurodegeneration Study Section Dr. Jenny Browning
CDMA Clinical Data Management and Analysis Dr. Chittari Shivakumar
CE Cancer Etiology Study Section Dr. Sarita Sastry
CG Cancer Genetics Study Section Dr. Juraj Bies
CHSA Cancer, Heart, and Sleep Epidemiology Panel A Dr. Denise Wiesch
CHSB Cancer, Heart, and Sleep Epidemiology Panel B Dr. Ramona Gianina Dumitrescu
CICS Clinical and Integrative Cardiovascular Sciences Study Section Dr. Chee Lim
CIDH Clinical Informatics and Digital Health Dr. Leonie Misquitta
CIDO Clinical and Integrative Diabetes and Obesity Study Section Dr. Hui Chen
CIHB Community Influences on Health Behavior Study Section Dr. Tasmeen Weik
CII Cancer Immunopathology and Immunotherapy Study Section Dr. Zhang-Zhi Hu
CIMG Clinical, Integrative and Molecular Gastroenterology Study Section Dr. Alexander Politis
CLHP Community-Level Health Promotion Study Section Dr. Helena Dagadu
CMAD Cellular Mechanisms in Aging and Development Study Section Dr. John Burch
CMBG Cellular and Molecular Biology of Glia Study Section Dr. Linda MacArthur
CMGC Clinical Management in General Care Settings Dr. Lauren Fordyce
CMIA Cellular and Molecular Immunology - A Study Section Dr. Mohammad Alam
CMIB Cellular and Molecular Immunology - B Study Section Dr. Liying Guo
CMIR Cellular, Molecular and Integrative Reproduction Study Section Dr. Elaine Sierra-Rivera
CMND Cellular and Molecular Biology of Neurodegeneration Study Section Dr. Laurent Taupenot
CMPC Clinical Management of Patients in Community-based settings study section Dr. Lauren Fordyce
CMT Cellular and Molecular Technologies Dr. Tatiana Cohen
CNBT Clinical Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumors Study Section Dr. Alesksey Kazantsev
CNN Clinical Neuroscience and Neurodegeneration Study Section Dr. Alessandra Rovescalli
CNNT Clinical Neuroplasticity and Neurotransmitters Study Section Dr. Suzan Nadi
CONC Clinical Oncology Study Section Dr. Malaya Chatterjee
CP Cognition and Perception Study Section Dr. Maribeth Champoux
CPDD Child Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities Study Section Dr. Katherine Morasch
CPSS Cancer Prevention Study Section Dr. Svetlana Kotliarova
CRFS Clinical Research and Field Studies of Infectious Diseases Study Section Dr. Pauline Cupit
CSME Cell Signaling and Molecular Endocrinology Dr. Elaine Sierra-Rivera
CSRS Cellular Signaling and Regulatory Systems Study Section Dr. David Balasundaram
CSS Chemosensory Systems Study Section Dr. John Bishop
CTIS Clinical Translational Imaging Science Dr. Eleni Liapi
DBD Developmental Brain Disorders Study Section Dr. Pat Manos
DDNS Drug Discovery for the Nervous System Study Section Dr. Mary Custer
DDR Drug Discovery and Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance Study Section Dr. Guangyong Ji
DEV1 Development - 1 Study Section Dr. Zubaida Saifudeen
DEV2 Development - 2 Study Section Dr. Rass Shayiq
DHMI Digestive System Host Defense, Microbial Interactions and Immune and Inflammatory Diseases Dr. Aiping Zhao
DIRH Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health Study Section Dr. Wenjuan Wang
DMP Drug Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology Study Section Dr. Jeffrey Smiley
DNPD Digestive and Nutrient Physiology and Diseases Dr. Aster Juan
DPVS Diseases and Pathophysiology of the Visual System Study Section Dr. Afia Sultana
DT Developmental Therapeutics Study Section Dr. Nicholas Donato
EBIT Enabling Bioanalytical and Imaging Technologies Study Section Dr. Kenneth Ryan
EITA Emerging Imaging Technologies and Applications Dr. Songtao Liu
EITN Emerging Imaging Technologies in Neuroscience Dr. Sharon Low
ESTA Electrical Signaling, Ion Transport, and Arrhythmias Study Section Dr. Sara Ahlgren
GCAT Genomics, Computational Biology and Technology Study Section Dr. Baishali Maskeri
GDD Gene and Drug Delivery Systems Study Section Dr. David Filpula
GHD Genetics of Health and Disease Study Section Dr. Christopher Payne
GMPB Gastrointestinal Mucosal Pathobiology Study Section Dr. Aiping Zhao
GVE Genetic Variation and Evolution Study Section Dr. Guoqin Yu
HAI Hypersensitivity, Autoimmune, and Immune-mediated Diseases Study Section Dr. Deborah Hodge
HBPP Hepatobiliary Pathophysiology Study Section Dr. Jianxin Hu
HCAC HIV Coinfections and HIV Associated Cancers Study Section Dr. Jingsheng Tuo
HCCS HIV Comorbidities and Clinical Studies Study Section Dr. David Chang
HCMF Human Complex Mental Function Dr. Karen Seymour
HDEP Health Disparities and Equity Promotion Study Section Dr. Jessica Bellinger
HHD Healthcare and Health Disparities Dr. Jessica Bellinger
HIBI HIV/AIDS Intra- and Inter-personal Determinants and Behavioral Interventions Study Section Dr. Mark Rubert
HIBP Host Interactions with Bacterial Pathogens Study Section Dr. Fouad El-Zaatari
HIVD HIV Immunopathogenesis and Vaccine Development Study Section Dr. Shiv Prasad
HM Hypertension and Microcirculation Study Section Dr. Bukhtiar Shah
HPC Health Promotion in Communities Dr. Helena Dagadu
HSDO Human Studies of Diabetes and Obesity Dr. Hui Chen
HSOD Health Services Organization and Delivery Study Section Dr. Jacinta Bronte-Tinkew
HSQE Health Services: Quality and Effectiveness Dr. Shalanda Bynum
HT Hemostasis and Thrombosis Study Section Dr. Ai-Ping Zou
HTBT Hemostasis, Thrombosis, Blood Cells and Transfusion Study Section Dr. Ai-Ping Zou
HVCD HIV molecular virology, cell biology, and drug development Study Section Dr. Kenneth Roebuck
ICER Integrative and Clinical Endocrinology and Reproduction Study Section Dr. Dianne Hardy
ICI Intercellular Interactions Study Section Dr. Thomas Cho
ICP1 International and Cooperative Projects - 1 Study Section Dr. Seetha Bhagavan
ICSC Interdisciplinary Clinical Care in Specialty Care Settings Dr. Abu Abdullah
IGIS Imaging Guided Interventions and Surgery Dr. Ileana Hancu
IHD Immunity and Host Defense Study Section Dr. Scott Jakes
III Innate Immunity and Inflammation Study Section Dr. Tina McIntyre
INMP Integrative Nutrition and Metabolic Processes Study Section Dr. Gregory Shelness
IPCA Imaging Probes and Contrast Agents Dr. Donald Wright
IPOD Integrative Physiology of Obesity and Diabetes Study Section Dr. Raul Rojas
IPTA Interventions to Prevent and Treat Addictions Study Section Dr. Miriam Mintzer
IRAP Infectious Diseases, Reproductive Health, Asthma and Pulmonary Conditions Study Section Dr. Karen Nieves Lugo
ISD Instrumentation and Systems Development Study Section Dr. Kee Forbes
ITD Imaging Technology Development Dr. Joonil Seog
IVPP Integrative Vascular Physiology and Pathology Dr. Bukhtiar Shah
KMBD Kidney Molecular Biology and Genitourinary Organ Development Dr. Ganesan Ramesh
KNOD Kidney, Nutrition, Obesity and Diabetes Study Section Dr. Steven Frenk
KUFD Kidney and Urological Systems Function and Dysfunction Dr. Ganesan Ramesh
LAM Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Study Section Dr. Alexei Kondratyev
LCBH Lifestyle Change and Behavioral Health Dr. Ahlishia Shipley
LCMI Lung Cellular, Molecular, and Immunobiology Study Section Dr. George Barnas
LCOM Language and Communication Study Section Dr. Andrea Kelly
LIRR Lung Injury, Repair, and Remodeling Study Section Dr. Ghenima Dirami
LMDN Learning, Memory and Decision Neuroscience Dr. Roger Janz
MABS Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems Study Section Dr. James Li
MBPP Membrane Biology and Protein Processing Study Section Dr. Kevin Czaplinski
MCE Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology Study Section Dr. Liliana Berti-Mattera
MCH Molecular and Cellular Hematology Study Section Dr. Ashlee Tipton
MCT1 Mechanisms of Cancer Therapeutics - 1 Study Section Dr. Lambratu Rahman Sesay
MCT2 Mechanisms of Cancer Therapeutics - 2 Study Section Dr. Careen Tang-Toth
MESH Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Emotion, Stress and Health Study Section Dr. Maribeth Champoux
MFSR Motor Function, Speech and Rehabilitation Study Section Dr. Biao Tian
MGA Molecular Genetics A Study Section Dr. Michael Bloom
MGB Molecular Genetics B Study Section Dr. Michael Bloom
MIM Myocardial Ischemia and Metabolism Study Section Dr. Richard Schneiderman
MIST Molecular and Integrative Signal Transduction Study Section Dr. Charles Selden
MNG Molecular Neurogenetics Study Section Dr. Mary Schueler
MNPS Molecular Neuropharmacology and Signaling Study Section Dr. Vanessa Boyce
MONC Molecular Oncogenesis Study Section Dr. Nywana Sizemore
MPPA Integrative Myocardial Physiology/Pathophysiology A Dr. Abdelouahab Aitouche
MPPB Integrative Myocardial Physiology/Pathophysiology B Dr. Sara Ahlgren
MRAA Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award A Dr. Emily Foley
MRAB Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award B Dr. Sudha Veeraraghavan
MRAC Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award C Dr. Jonathan Arias
MRS Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Sciences Study Section Dr. Maria Nurminskaya
MSFA Macromolecular Structure and Function A Study Section Dr. David Jollie
MSFB Macromolecular Structure and Function B Study Section Dr. C-L Albert Wang
MSFC Macromolecular Structure and Function C Study Section Dr. William Greenberg
MSFD Macromolecular Structure and Function D Study Section Dr. Ian Thorpe
MTE Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering Study Section Dr. Srikanth Ranganathan
NAL Neurotoxicology and Alcohol Study Section Dr. Armaz Aschrafi
NAME Neurological, Aging and Musculoskeletal Epidemiology Study Section Dr. Heidi Friedman
NANO Nanotechnology Study Section Dr. Tom Peterson
NBVP Neuroscience of Basic Visual Processes Study Section Dr. Kirk Thompson
NCF Neurogenesis and Cell Fate Study Section Dr. Joanne Fujii
NCSD Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Structure/Function and Dynamics Study Section Dr. Jessica Smith
NDPR Neurodifferentiation, Plasticity, Regeneration and Rhythmicity Study Section Dr. Joanne Fujii
NIC Neuroscience of Interoception and Chemosensation Dr. John Bishop
NMB Neurobiology of Motivated Behavior Study Section Dr. Janita Turchi
NMHD Nutrition and Metabolism in Health and Disease Dr. Gregory Shelness
NNRS Neuroendocrinology, Neuroimmunology, Rhythms and Sleep Study Section Dr. Michael Selmanoff
NOMD Neural Oxidative Metabolism, Mitochondria and Cell Death Study Section Dr. Carol Hamelink
NPAS Neural Basis of Psychopathology, Addictions and Sleep Disorders Study Section Dr. Wei-Qin Zhao
NPI Neurobiology of Pain and Itch Dr. Catherine Bennett
NRCS Nursing and Related Clinical Sciences Study Section Dr. Seetha Bhagavan
NTRC Neurotransporters, Receptors, and Calcium Signaling Study Section Dr. Peter Guthrie
ODCS Oral, Dental and Craniofacial Sciences Study Section Dr. Yi-Hsin Liu
ODHS Organization and Delivery of Health Services Dr. Jacinta Bronte-Tinkew
PBKD Pathobiology of Kidney Disease Study Section Dr. Atul Sahai
PCMB Prokaryotic Cell and Molecular Biology Study Section Dr. Elena Smirnova
PDRP Psychosocial Development, Risk and Prevention Study Section Dr. Anna Riley
PED1 Pathophysiology of Eye Disease 1 Dr. Afia Sultana
PED2 Pathophysiology of Eye Disease 2 Dr. Julius Cinque
PMDA Pathophysiological Basis of Mental Disorders and Addictions Study Section Dr. Boris Sokolov
PN Pregnancy and Neonatology Study Section Dr. Andrew Wolfe
POMD Pathophysiology of Obesity and Metabolic Disease Dr. Raul Rojas
PPAH Population and Public Health Approaches to HIV/AIDS Study Section Dr. Jose Guerrier
PRDP Psychosocial Risk and Disease Prevention Study Section Dr. Ahlishia Shipley
PTHE Pathogenic Eukaryotes Study Section Dr. Tera Bounds
RIBT Respiratory Integrative Biology and Translational Research Study Section Dr. Bradley Nuss
RTB Radiation Therapeutics and Biology Study Section Dr. Bo Hong
SAT Surgery, Anesthesiology and Trauma Study Section Dr. Weihua Luo
SBCA Synthetic and Biological Chemistry A Study Section Dr. Anita Szajek
SBCB Synthetic and Biological Chemistry B Study Section Dr. Michael Eissenstat
SBDD Skeletal Biology Development and Disease Study Section Dr. Aruna Behera
SBSR Skeletal Biology Structure and Regeneration Study Section Dr. Yanming Bi
SCS Somatosensory and Chemosensory Systems Study Section
SIEE Systemic Injury by Environmental Exposure Dr. Dianne Hardy
SIHH Science of Implementation in Health and Healthcare Dr. Wenjuan Wang
SMEP Skeletal Muscle and Exercise Physiology Study Section Dr. Richard Ingraham
SMI Sensorimotor Integration Study Section Dr. John Bishop
SMN Sensory-Motor Neuroscience Dr. John Bishop
SPC Mechanisms of Sensory, Perceptual, and Cognitive Processes Study Section Dr. Kirk Thompson
SPIP Social Psychology, Personality and Interpersonal Processes Study Section Dr. Marc Boulay
SPS Somatosensory and Pain Systems Study Section Dr. Catherine Bennett
SSPA Social Sciences and Population Studies A Study Section Dr. Suzanne Ryan
SSPB Social Sciences and Population Studies B Study Section Dr. Kate Fothergill
SYN Synapses, Cytoskeleton and Trafficking Study Section Dr. Christine Piggee
TAG Therapeutic Approaches to Genetic Diseases Study Section Dr. Methode Bacanamwo
TCB Tumor Cell Biology Study Section Dr. Charles Morrow
TDPS Therapeutic Development and Preclinical Studies Dr. Richard Schneiderman
TME Tumor Microenvironment Study Section Dr. Angela Ng
TPM Tumor Progression and Metastasis Study Section Dr. Rolf Jakobi
TTT Transplantation, Tolerance, and Tumor Immunology Study Section Dr. Alok Mulky
VB Vector Biology Study Section Dr. Liangbiao Zheng
VCMB Vascular Cell and Molecular Biology Study Section Dr. Larry Pinkus
VIRA Virology - A Study Section Dr. Kenneth Izumi
VIRB Virology - B Study Section Dr. Neerja Kaushik-Basu
VMD Vaccines Against Microbial Diseases Study Section Dr. Jian Wang
XNDA Xenobiotic and Nutrient Disposition and Action Study Section Dr. Jonathan Ivins