QUERI – Quality Enhancement Research Initiative

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QUERI Strategic Plan

In early 2015, QUERI released a global Strategic Plan to further support VA's recent transformational initiatives, including the VHA Blueprint for Excellence, Veteran's Choice Act, and MyVA initiatives. The updated Plan takes into account the needs of a changing VA healthcare system, notably by supporting providers in the more rapid implementation of effective clinical practices into routine care, to ultimately meet the needs of Veterans. The Strategic Plan also supports QUERI's vision to be VA's essential engine in achieving a learning healthcare organization, and was updated based in extensive input garnered over the past two years from VA and non-VA healthcare stakeholders. QUERI also incorporated feedback into the Strategic Plan from the national evaluation conducted by ICF International in 2014, as well as a strategic planning meeting with QUERI and VA leadership held in October 2014.

The updated QUERI Strategic Plan accomplishes three major goals in support of these efforts:

  1. Rapidly translate research findings and evidence-based treatments into clinical practice (i.e., VHA Blueprint for Excellence Strategy 7h);
  2. Increase impact of VA research findings through bi-directional partnership, rigorous evaluation, and communication; and
  3. Make VA a national leader in promoting a learning healthcare organization through innovative implementation science.

VA's recent transformation involves major changes of a magnitude not seen in more than a generation. VA is changing, and VHA programs, including QUERI, will need to change in response to this transformation - and in anticipation to the future needs of Veterans. This Strategic Plan guides QUERI through these changes and enables the Program to stay grounded in science and to strengthen its partnerships with operations. Thus, QUERI will continue to play an essential role in informing the uptake, sustainability, and value of new initiatives that ultimately improve the quality of healthcare for Veterans.