Additional Datasets

We conduct a variety of additional research and analysis that we make available to the public. This information provides ongoing insight into activities and trends in the housing market and the broader economy.

Single-Family Loan-Level Dataset

Freddie Mac makes available loan-level credit performance data on a portion of fully amortizing fixed-rate mortgages that the company purchased or guaranteed from 1999 to 2017 to help investors build more accurate credit performance models in support of ongoing risk-sharing initiatives.

Quarterly Refinance Statistics

Our quarterly analysis shows the refinancing trends of borrowers who recently refinanced their home loans.

The Federal Cost of Funds Index (COFI)

COFI is used as a benchmark for some types of mortgage loans and securities. It is calculated as the sum of the monthly average interest rates for marketable Treasury bills and for marketable Treasury notes, divided by two, and rounded to three decimal places.

Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Equity Investments Map

Freddie Mac Multifamily re-entered the LIHTC Equity investment space in 2018 with six proprietary funds. These funds are investing in targeted affordable properties in underserved communities throughout the United States.

Opinions, estimates, forecasts, and other views contained in this document are those of Freddie Mac's Economic & Housing Research group, do not necessarily represent the views of Freddie Mac or its management, and should not be construed as indicating Freddie Mac's business prospects or expected results. Although the Economic & Housing Research group attempts to provide reliable, useful information, it does not guarantee that the information or other content in this document is accurate, current or suitable for any particular purpose. All content is subject to change without notice. All content is provided on an “as is” basis, with no warranties of any kind whatsoever. Information from this document may be used with proper attribution. Alteration of this document or its content is strictly prohibited. ©2020 by Freddie Mac.