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The Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) coordinates Federal efforts to enhance chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats (CBRN) and emerging infectious diseases (EID) preparedness from a medical countermeasure (MCM) perspective


The PHEMCE is comprised of numerous agencies across the federal government which works to optimize our preparedness for public health emergencies with respect to the creation, stockpiling, and use of medical countermeasures.



The HHS Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) is a leader in preparing the nation to respond to and recover from public health and medical disasters

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The National Institute of Health's research provides the foundation for developing medical products and strategies to treat and prevent a wide range of infectious diseases

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The Food and Drug Administration plays a pivotal role in protecting our nation from chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats, and from emerging infectious diseases

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a part of HHS, is the primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting public health activities in the United States

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The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide the powerful military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of our country.

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The Department of Homeland Security secures the nation from the many threats we face. These threats include biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear threats

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Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)

BARDA supports the transition of medical countermeasures such as vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics from research through advanced development towards consideration for approval by the FDA and inclusion into the Strategic National Stockpile.

BARDA also provides links to resources on grants and procurement opportunities available to those involved in the research, development and acquisition of medical countermeasures products, including, and grants available through the National Institutes of Health. Links to information on federal acquisition regulations are also available on this page.

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Medical countermeasure policy and implementation development with the PHEMCE is coordinated by the Enterprise Senior Council, a body comprised of senior leadership from the PHEMCE agencies which serves as the decision forum for MCM development policy and implementation.

Together, the PHEMCE organizations and agencies work to optimize the Nation's preparedness for public health emergencies in regards to the development, manufacturing, stockpiling, and administration of medical countermeasures.

The PHEMCE mission components include:

  • Requirements Setting
  • Early Stage Research
  • Advanced Development and Manufacturing
  • Regulatory Science Management
  • Procurement/Inventory Management/Stockpiling
  • Response Planning, Policy, Guidance, and Communications
  • Deployment/Distribution/ Dispensing/ Administration
  • Monitoring/Evaluation/ Assessment

In 2012, HHS released the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Strategy outlining the PHEMCE goals and objectives that will guide the policies and decisions of the partner agencies in regards to medical countermeasure capabilities that will enable our nation to have a nimble, flexible capacity to produce medical countermeasures rapidly in the face of any attack or threat.

The 2012 Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) Strategy establishes the goals and objectives that HHS will use to ensure that medical countermeasures are available for effective use against the highest priority CBRN threats facing the Nation. The accompanying 2012 PHEMCE Implementation Plan details those programs and initiatives throughout the Department that will be prioritized in pursuit of the goals and objectives presented in the strategy document. Both documents together constitute the blueprints the PHEMCE will follow in the near-, mid-, and long-terms to make the best use of available resources to contribute to national health security.


The requirements we set for medical countermeasure development and acquisition are critical to establishing programs to meet our preparedness goals.

Medical countermeasure requirements in BARDA provide a solid foundation for establishing advanced development and acquisition programs that support the overarching ASPR mission and PHEMCE goals of reducing the adverse health effects of public health emergencies, including those caused by pandemic influenza, CBRN threat agents and emerging diseases.


National, PHEMCE, BARDA, and countermeasure specific strategies, implementation plans, and reports

Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Strategic Plan for 2020-2023
PHEMCE 241 Days

Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Strategic Plan for 2020-2023

The United States faces an array of natural, technological, and human-caused threats and hazards. These threats continually evolve and have potential to cause significant harm or disruption to the general public, critical infrastructure systems, the environment, and the delivery of healthcare and emergency public health and medical services.

PDF (4.15MB)
National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022
PHEMCE 702 Days

National Health Security Strategy 2019-2022

Our nation faces diverse and evolving health security threats that have the potential to disrupt our public health and health care systems and inflict injury and loss...

PDF (1.37MB)
National Biodefense Strategy 2018
PHEMCE 756 Days

National Biodefense Strategy 2018

It is a vital interest of the United States to manage the risk of biological incidents. In today’s interconnected world, biological incidents have the potential to cost...

PDF (.92MB)
PHEMCE Strategy and Implementation Plan 2017-2018
PHEMCE 1381 Days

PHEMCE Strategy and Implementation Plan 2017-2018

The U.S. continues to face a range of serious threats to its health security from the unintentional release or deliberate use of chemical, biological, radiological...

PDF (.96MB)
PHEMCE Strategy and Implementation Plan 2016
PHEMCE 1777 Days

PHEMCE Strategy and Implementation Plan 2016

Considering the progress achieved and the remaining strategic gaps in MCM preparedness, the PHEMCE annually examines the SIP goals and objectives...

PDF (2.33MB)
PHEMCE Stakeholders Workshop Report 2016
PHEMCE 1798 Days

PHEMCE Stakeholders Workshop Report 2016

The goal of the 2016 PHEMCE Stakeholders Workshop was to provide a forum within which a broad spectrum of stakeholders in the PHEMCE mission...

PDF (.71MB)
PHEMCE Strategy and Implementation Plan 2015
PHEMCE 1950 Days

PHEMCE Strategy and Implementation Plan 2015

The United States (U.S.) continues to face a range of serious threats to its national health security from the deliberate use or accidental release of chemical...

PDF (.9MB)
Project BioShield Report 2014
PHEMCE 2351 Days

Project BioShield Report 2014

Significant progress was made in 2014 in the regulatory review and approval of MCMs procured under Project BioShield.

PDF (1.45MB)
PHEMCE Strategy and Implementation Plan 2014
PHEMCE 2504 Days

PHEMCE Strategy and Implementation Plan 2014

The United States continues to face a range of serious threats to its national health security from the deliberate use or accidental release of chemical, biological...

PDF (3.13MB)
Project BioShield Annual Report 2013
PHEMCE 2618 Days

Project BioShield Annual Report 2013

The Project BioShield Act of 2004 [Project BioShield (PBS); Public Law [P.L.] 108-276] amended the Public Health Service (PHS) Act and the Federal Food...

PDF (.5MB)
Project BioShield Annual Report to Congress 2012
PHEMCE 2949 Days

Project BioShield Annual Report to Congress 2012

The Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Enterprise had a significant year in 2012. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) continued to leverage...

PDF (3.44MB)
PHEMCE Implementation Plan 2012
PHEMCE 3039 Days

PHEMCE Implementation Plan 2012

The 2012 Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) Implementation Plan describes the priorities that HHS, in collaboration with its...

PDF (.53MB)
PHEMCE Strategy 2012
PHEMCE 3180 Days

PHEMCE Strategy 2012

The U.S. Government has a responsibility to protect the health and safety of its citizens. The American people continue to face a host of national health...

PDF (2.8MB)
BARDA Strategic Plan
PHEMCE 3340 Days

BARDA Strategic Plan

The nation has endeavored over the past ten years to become better prepared for the medical consequences of catastrophic events such as bioterrorist events...

PDF (2.29MB)
Project BioShield Annual Report to Congress 2011
PHEMCE 3407 Days

Project BioShield Annual Report to Congress 2011

The medical countermeasures pipeline has never held more promise than it does today. Innovation, enhanced partnerships and collaboration, and sustained...

PDF (1.54MB)
Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Review
PHEMCE 3786 Days

Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Review

Emerging infectious diseases, pandemics, and bioterrorism carry the potential for catastrophic impact, and the U.S. government has faced chronic challenges in...

PDF (.33MB)
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