Download Unidata Software

Download Uniata Software

Unidata Unidata develops, maintains, and supports a variety of software packages. Some of these packages are developed at the Unidata Program Center (UPC), while others originated externally, but are modified, maintained, and supported at the UPC.

Software provided by Unidata is available at no charge, but there are conditions on accessing or obtaining support for some packages.

Accessing Deprecated Software

GitHub The following Unidata software packages are deprecated and no longer actively maintained by the Unidata Program Center. The packages are available in Unidata's GitHub repository for download and/or development. Please check package documentation and license information for support and usage policies.


GARPGARP (GEMPAK Analysis and Rendering Program) is an X-Windows/Motif software application originally developed by the UCAR Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET), for the display and analysis of meteorological data sets. Supported data sets include model data, satellite imagery in NOAAPort GINI format or MCIDAS area file format, NIDS and Nowrad radar data, surface data and upper air data.

More about GARP
NetCDF Perl

NetCDF Perl The netCDF Perl package is a perl extension module for scientific data access via the netCDF API, which is based on netCDF-2. The functions in the netCDF library can be accessed by a corresponding perl script that matches, as closely as possible, its C counterpart.

More about netCDF Perl