U.S.-China Relations in 2020: Enduring Problems and Emerging Challenges


Hearing on "U.S.-China Relations in 2020: Enduring Problems and Emerging Challenges" 

Wednesday, September 9

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10:00 AM – 10:10 AM: Opening Remarks: Chairman Cleveland and Vice Chairman Bartholomew
10:10 AM – 11:40 AM: Panel I: China’s Assessment of its Strategic Environment

  • Kerry Brown, Professor of Chinese Studies and Director of the Lau China Institute at King’s College London [Testimony]
  • Andrew Scobell, Senior Political Scientist at RAND Corporation (on leave) and Donald Bren Chair in Non-Western Strategic Thought, Marine Corps University [Testimony]
  • Anthony Saich, Director, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, and Daewoo Professor of International Affairs at Harvard University [Testimony]

11:40 AM – 11:50 AM: Break

11:50 AM – 1:20 PM: Panel II: China’s Capabilities and Limitations

  • Andrew Small, Senior Transatlantic Fellow with the Asia program at the German Marshall Fund of the United States [Testimony]
  • Joel Wuthnow, Senior Research Fellow in the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs at National Defense University [Testimony]
  • Dexter Roberts, Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council Asia Security Initiative, Fellow at the University of Montana's Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center, and author of The Myth of Chinese Capitalism [Testimony]

1:20 PM – 2:05 PM: Lunch Break

2:05 PM – 3:05 PM: Panel III: Emerging Issues in East Asia

3:05 PM – 3:15 PM: Break
3:15 PM – 4:15 PM: Panel IV: Emerging Global Issues

  • Tanvi Madan, Senior Fellow in the Foreign Policy program and director of The India Project at the Brookings Institution [Testimony]
  • Jonathan Fulton, Assistant Professor of Political Science in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Zayed University [Testimony]


  • John Calabrese, Assistant Professor at American University and Scholar in Residence and Director of the Middle-East Asia Project at the Middle East Institute [Testimony]

4:15 PM – 4:20 PM: Closing Remarks
4:20 PM: Adjourn