HMDA Reporting Guide

Answers to frequently asked questions about HMDA reporting are available on the FFIEC web-site at the following location:

Other reference material is available at:

A copy of the most current version of "A Guide to HMDA Reporting: Getting it right!" is also available on the FFIEC web-site. This guide provides information for reporting data under the Home mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA):

  • Who must report
  • Data reporting in general
  • Completing the LAR step by step
  • Source of Geographic information
  • Submitting the LAR
  • Disclosing the Data

Please note the guide was published and last printed with an effective date of January 1, 2004. Changes have been made to the electronic version of the guide; the printed version will not be updated. You should refer to the electronic version for the most thorough and correct guidance. You can download a current copy of the electronic version of the guide from the FFIEC web site at:

Data is collected throughout each calendar year. Following the calendar year, reports are due to the Federal Reserve Board: NCUA HMDA Processing Center by March 1st. The Federal Reserve Board processes data on behalf of NCUA; do not send data directly to NCUA.

If you need the HMDA Data Entry Software, please download the software from the FFIEC web site at:

To print required HMDA Disclosure Statements, please go to the FFIEC web site and search for your credit union's information. Disclosure statements are available on the following section of the FFIEC web site at:

Additional resources regarding HMDA and fair lending laws and regulations are available.

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