COVID-19 Resources for Veterans


Information regarding the Department of Veterans Affairs

In light of the ongoing 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many veterans have been asking questions about what the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and its medical facilities are doing to protect and care for veterans during the outbreak. The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs is in daily communication with VA leadership and would like to share the following information:

Since this situation is evolving rapidly, we encourage veterans and their families to consult VA’s Website for the most current information. Guidance from local VA medical facilities about their current operating status is available on each facility’s website, which can be found through VA’s Facility Locator Tool.

What should veterans do if they think they have COVID-19?

Before visiting local VA medical facilities, community providers, urgent care centers, or emergency departments in their communities, veterans experiencing COVID-19 symptoms — such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath — are encouraged to call their VA medical facility or call MyVA311 (844-698-2311, press #3 to be connected). Veterans can also send secure messages to their health care providers via MyhealtheVet, VA’s online patient portal. VA clinicians will evaluate veterans’ symptoms and direct them to the most appropriate providers for further evaluation and treatment. This may include referral to state or local health departments for COVID-19 testing.

What about routine appointments and previously scheduled procedures? 

VA is encouraging all veterans to call their VA facility before seeking any care — even previously scheduled medical visits, mental health appointments, or surgical procedures. Veterans can also send secure messages to their health care providers via MyhealtheVet and find out whether they should still come in for their scheduled appointments. VA providers may arrange to convert appointments to video visits, where possible and veterans should feel free to request telehealth appointments from their VA providers.

Can visitors still access VA medical facilities? 

Many VA medical facilities have cancelled public events for the time being, and VA is urging all visitors who do not feel well to postpone their visits to local VA medical facilities. Facilities have also been directed to limit the number of entrances through which visitors can enter. Upon arrival, all patients, visitors, and employees will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and possible exposure.

What about VA nursing homes and spinal cord injury units?

On March 10, 2020, VA announced that its 134 nursing homes (also called VA community living centers) and 24 spinal cord injury and disorder centers would be closed to all outside visitors. All clinical staff will be screened for COVID-19 daily before entering the nursing home or spinal cord injury units, and staff will work only within those units to limit possible transmission of the virus. Exceptions to the visitor policy will only be made for cases when veterans are in their last stages of life on hospice units or inpatient spinal cord injury units. 

Where have in-person C&P exams resumed?

On May 28, 2020, VA resumed in-person C&P exams in locations where it was safe to do so. VA has since expanded these in-person examinations to other locations based upon local COVID-19 risk assessments.

Visit the VA benefits website to see if in-person C&P exams have resumed at a VA facility near you.

How is VA supporting those impacted by intimate partner violence (IPV)?

Crises that disrupt daily life – such as the COVID-19 pandemic – can interrupt access to key services, including resources for those experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV). VA’s Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP) has Coordinators in VA facilities available for support for those using or experiencing intimate partner violence. For more resources and information about VA’s IPVAP, visit their website.

Visit VA’s Frequently Asked Questions page for more information on what veterans need to know about seeking care at VA facilities during this time.

What has Congress been doing?

How will veterans be able to access their economic impact payments?

As a result of the CARES Act being passed and signed into law, each American with a social security number will be receiving up to a $1,200 economic impact payment ($2,400 for married couples) to help relieve some of the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Tax returns filed in 2019 or 2018 will be used to identify who is eligible for this payment. The value of these payments phases out for taxpayers with incomes above $75,000 ($150,000 for a married couple).

What about veterans who didn’t file a tax return this year?

Disabled veterans who did not file taxes in 2018 or 2019 will now receive their economic impact payment automatically. However, filling out the IRS New Web Tool on the IRS website may speed up the process.

Student veterans who did not file taxes in 2018 or 2019 will not receive their payment automatically and must fill out the IRS New Web Tool on the IRS website to receive their payment.

What about veterans who didn't file taxes and have dependents?

Veterans who did not file taxes and have dependents must take action by May 5.  To receive the portion of the economic impact payment for dependents, veterans must fill out the IRS New Web Tool. More information can be found here.

For more information on receiving an economic impact payment, visit the IRS website.

Protecting student veterans' benefits

On March 19, the House passed Senator Moran’s legislation ensuring student veterans will receive waivers for classes changing to completely online instruction because of COVID-19 – mirroring the fix detailed in Chairman Takano’s HR 6212 that was introduced last week.

Chairman Takano and Ranking Member Roe introduced H.R. 6322 – the Student Veteran Coronavirus Response Act – which expands on the language in Senator Moran’s legislation. It was passed in the House under unanimous consent on March 31 and is currently awaiting action in the Senate.

Even though students may be forced to switch to online classes, which under normal circumstances would lower the amount they receive for their monthly housing allowance, student veterans will now be able to maintain their current monthly housing allowance rate under this legislation.

Pressing VA for answers

On March 18, Chairman Takano, Ranking Member Roe, and 25 members of the Committee sent a letter to Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie asking for frequent answers and updates on the Department’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Members asked for daily updates on:

  1. Number of COVID-I9 test kits available to VHA
  2. Number of veterans tested, both internally and outside VA
  3. Number of employees tested
  4. Status of all test results including the number of positive and presumptive positive results and the location and status of those patients
  5. Data on testing time: time required to complete testing, both initial testing to establish a presumptive positive and time it takes to receive CDC confirmation
  6. Criteria for testing veterans and employees

And weekly updates on:

  1. Number of acute care or ICU beds, current use statistics, and number used to treat COVID-19 patients
  2. Number of ventilators and percentage in current use
  3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supply levels
  4. Number of negative pressure beds and current use statistics
  5. Pharmaceutical supply levels
  6. Current staffing levels, including the number of employees out of work due to illness and/or not at work due to a positive test for COVID-I9 or exposure to an individual positive for COVID-19
  7. Current guidance given to VA employees and contractors who feel they may have been exposed, have symptoms, or are responsible for a child or family member who must remain home as a result of COVID-l9

Read their full letter here.

Taking action to protect veterans

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted governments, companies, and the general public to take action to help mitigate the spread of the disease. The Committee has taken the following actions to ensure VA has the required resources to carry out these tasks and protect veterans:

  • Worked to eliminate copayments for testing and medical appointments for veterans
  • Received continuous updates on VA’s COVID-19 response and emergency preparedness
  • Continued Committee oversight of VA’s mission to respond to a national emergency
  • Protected student veterans
  • Ensured VA’s ability to maintain continuity of operations

A full description of the Committee’s actions can be found here.

How can the Committee on Veterans' Affairs help?

If there is any way the Committee on Veterans' Affairs can be of assistance to you or a veteran you know, please email

The Committee is also interested in hearing about veterans’ experiences accessing care in their communities. Please feel free to e-mail any stories that could help inform the Committee’s oversight of VA’s response to COVID-19.

How you can help prevent the spread of COVID-19?

The CDC released guidelines individuals can follow to protect themselves and their communities from COVID-19. These precautions include washing your hands for 20 seconds with warm water and practicing social distancing so the virus does not unintentionally spread to other people.

Since many veterans care for family members at high risk of contracting COVID-19, it is important to contact state and local health authorities for next steps and treatment.

Supporting Yourself and Others

How can you take care of yourself?

The spread and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic has increased stress and anxiety for many veterans. The Department of Veterans Affairs has published tips for managing stress associated with COVID-19 including increasing one’s sense of safety, staying connected, and cultivating ways to be calm. Visit the Department’s page on stress management to learn more about steps you can take to help alleviate stress and anxiety during this trying time.

Additional mental health resources can also be found at Mental Health America.

Chairman Takano also had a virtual meeting with Dr. Lynn Bufka, Deputy Executive Director of the American Psychological Association. The two shared tips and resources to learn how veterans can mentally and physically take care of themselves and support their communities during times of crisis. Watch their full conversation. 

Resources for veterans in crisis

Help is available for veterans in crisis by calling the Veteran Crisis Line at 1 (800) 273-8255 and pressing 1, at VeteransCrisisLine.Net/Chat, or by texting 838255.

Additional Resources

Additional resources are available on the CDC's website – including information regarding caring for children, school and work closures, and protecting yourself and your community.

Caregivers with additional concerns about caring for veterans during this time can find support and resources at Hidden Heroes.

The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) has also put together resources that may be helpful for veterans and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic.