In the Spotlight

Sonar Identifies Underwater Munitions in Gulf Study – In an important milestone, low-frequency sonar successfully detects and classifies munitions in a field setting. More
2013 Dec – Sonar identify
2013 Dec – Protective coating jet fuel
Protective Coating Improves Jet Engine Fuel Efficiency – Innovative erosion-corrosion resistant coating extends the life of jet engines and improves fuel efficiency, while also reducing carbon emissions. More
Assessing Pacific Island Watershed Health – At-risk fish populations can serve as a key indicator for assessing Pacific Island watershed health and sustaining military operations. More
2013 Dec – Watershed health
2013 Dec – Tracking contaminants
New Insights Into Tracking Contaminants in Bedrock – Study finds that ferrous iron mineralogy can significantly increase TCE natural attenuation rates at fractured bedrock sites. More
ClimaStat Technology Improves HVAC Efficiency – Energy efficiency improves by 29% for an HVAC retrofit at MCAS Beaufort and 17% for a new system at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. More
2013 Dec – RTU panel
2013 Dec – Innovative plating
Innovative Plating Process for Beryllium Alternatives – Nanostructured copper alloys match beryllium’s essential properties of being lightweight and high-strength, without the toxicity. More
Evaluating Matrix Diffusion Effects on Groundwater – New tool kit helps stakeholders select effective remedies for groundwater contamination and improve risk communication. More
Adapting Energy-Efficient Heat Pumps for Cold Climates – Cold climate heat pumps reduced energy used for heating military barracks by nearly 20 percent at Camp Atterbury, Indiana. More
ESTCP Partners with EPA on Watershed Management – Five demonstrations of watershed analysis models and tools are under way in support of a joint DoD/EPA initiative. More
Identifying Research Needs for Underwater Munitions – Workshop attendees identified research needed to advance acoustic techniques for detecting and classifying UXO in the underwater environment. More
Improving the Reliability of Lead-Free Electronics – SERDP projects are working to mitigate tin whisker formation in lead-free electronic components in weapon systems. More
March 2013-Wastewater
Forward Operating Bases: Water and Waste Management – Smart water and waste management reduces environmental impacts and improves living conditions. More
Climate Change Adaptation: Enhanced Decision Making – New tools and guidance will help DoD managers assess potential climate change impacts and appropriate adaptive actions. More
March 2013-Flooding
March 2013-EW Lighting
Intelligent and Energy-Efficient LED Street Lighting – Demand-sensitive LED street lighting system reduces electricity requirements by 75 percent while improving light quality. More
‘Flyer’ Improves OB/OD Air Emissions Measurement – Using this novel technology, DoD can characterize air emissions from full-scale OB/OD operations and generate accurate emission factors. More
March 2013-ER Flyer
March 2013-NAOC
Partnering to Advance Munitions Classification – Training courses sponsored by ESTCP and NAOC transition advanced tools for cost-effectively cleaning up munitions-contaminated sites. More
Cold Spray Technology for Aircraft Component Repair – With this novel technology, corroded magnesium alloy components can be restored and reused rather than discarded. More
Source Zone Architecture Key to DNAPL Remediation – Innovative field tools identify source zone structure and characteristics, informing cost-effective treatment decisions. More
Ecological Research Supports Training at Camp Lejeune – Landscape-scale ecological research is helping DoD manage its coastal installations more effectively and sustainably. More
Leveraging Advanced Sensor Data to Clean Up UXO – New software exploits advanced sensor data to distinguish between overlapping pieces of buried metal. More
Biopolymers Maintain Training Berms, Prevent Contamination – Natural biopolymers minimize berm erosion, improve absorption of heavy metals, suppress dust, and improve plant growth. More
Rare-Earth Corrosion Protection Mechanisms – Fundamental discoveries will lead to new surface treatments and coatings that reduce the use of hexavalent chromium. More
ASETSDefense Workshop Graphic
ASETSDefense Workshop on Sustainable Surface Engineering – The latest in a series of workshops covering the performance and implementation of environmentally friendly coatings and surface treatments was held August 28-30, in San Diego, California. More
Optimizing Boiler Efficiency Through Combustion Control – Decades-old boilers are transformed into state-of-the-art, high-efficiency reduced-emissions systems using a cost-effective combustion control and monitoring system. More
Optimizing Boiler Efficiency Through Combustion Control
Production contractor field personnel collecting cued data using the TEMTADS 2x2 array.
Munitions Classification in the Hands of Production Firms – At the former Pole Mountain Target and Maneuver Area and the former Camp Beale, production contractors achieved excellent results classifying munitions from other nonhazardous items. More
Evaluating Technology Performance at DNAPL Sites – A new screening tool helps practitioners select remediation technologies that best fit specific site conditions and performance goals. More
Evaluating Technology Performance at DNAPL Sites
The Ecology of Fire, Invasives, and Water in the Southwest
Managing Military Lands in the Southwest – Arid lands ecological research is helping DoD maintain its land base and sustain training and testing capabilities in this key region. More
Converting Solar Energy to Electricity and Heat
Converting Solar Energy to Electricity and Heat – A renewable energy technology that provides both heat and power is generating impressive results at Fort Carson. More
Erosion Resistant Coating Improves Engine Efficiency – A multilayer ceramic-metallic matrix applied to compressor airfoils increases the fuel efficiency of gas turbine engines while reducing maintenance costs and industrial waste. More
Forests Reduce DoD's Carbon Footprint
Ecological Forestry & DoD’s Carbon Footprint – An improved understanding of the role of ecological forestry in managing carbon levels will help DoD manage its forests to provide multiple desired ecosystem services. More
Success Classifying Munitions in Wooded Areas – Newly developed man-portable EMI systems demonstrated at the former Camp Beale provide cost savings and accelerate remediation timelines despite challenging site conditions. More
On-Demand Video: Thermal Treatment Lessons Learned – Cost and performance information on thermal treatment technologies will facilitate effective implementation by regulators and practitioners at contaminated sites. More
Forecasting the Effects of Stressors on At-Risk Species – Modeling tool helps land managers sustain training activities and meet stewardship responsibilities by simulating responses of at-risk species to multiple, interacting stressors. More
Advanced Signal Processing for UXO Discrimination – Sophisticated models applied to advanced EMI sensor data significantly improve the ability to distinguish UXO from clutter, reducing munitions response costs and accelerating the cleanup process. More
Reducing Emissions for Jet Engines of the Future – Improved understanding of soot formation will enable manufacturers to design and build high-performance engines that emit less pollution. More
Assessing Vapor Intrusion at Chlorinated Solvent Sites – New knowledge and methods will lead to more accurate and cost-effective assessment of the groundwater-to-indoor air pathway, the driver for many DoD cleanup actions. More
Passive Sampling of Contaminated Sediments – Simple polyethylene strip measures the fraction of sediment contamination that poses a risk to ecological receptors and human health. More
Perchlorate-Free Flares Undergo Qualification Testing – New flare compositions can eliminate the release of perchlorate, reducing risk and avoiding future contamination of groundwater, while meeting or exceeding performance requirements. More
Photo by Lt. Jorell Webb, U.S. Coast Guard.
The FlexEnergy power generation system creates electricity and heat from gases that would otherwise require expensive treatment processes to minimize their impact on the environment.
Recovering Energy from Landfill Gas – At Fort Benning, the FlexEnergy PowerstationTM FP250 system is being used to generate electricity using low quality waste fuels.  More
Modeling Underwater UXO Mobility in Reef Environments – New capabilities to predict UXO migration and burial in reef environments are informing risk assessments and munitions response actions at coastal sites. More
Modeling Underwater UXO Mobility in Reef Environments Graphic
Understanding the Behavioral Ecology of Cetaceans Image
Understanding the Behavioral Ecology of Cetaceans – To accurately assess the impact of sonar on whales, it is important to understand the baseline behaviors of these animals in the absence of anthropogenic sounds. More
Loss of Permafrost – Impact on DoD Lands in Alaska – To sustain Alaskan training lands, an improved understanding of how permafrost changes will impact ecological systems is needed. More
Permafrost Distribution Graphic
ES&T Features In Situ Sediment Remediation
ES&T Features In Situ Sediment Remediation – Reduced contaminant exposure risks to humans and the environment can be achieved through addition of in situ sorbent amendments.  More
Workshop on Sustainable Surface Engineering Advances – Sessions highlighted solutions to the challenging issues DoD faces with respect to surface protection on weapons systems. More
Image of F18 Aircraft
White House logo
White House Energy Security Blueprint References ESTCP – Demonstrations at military installations will facilitate innovative energy technology implementation across DoD and the nation. More
Success Classifying Small Munitions at Camp Butner – At the former Camp Butner, demonstrators have successfully classified munitions as small as 37-mm projectiles from other nonhazardous items. More
Success Classifying Small Munitions at Camp Butner
MetalMapper – Deployment of this commercialized sensor can dramatically improve and accelerate munitions response at former military sites. More
Understanding cis-DCE and VC Biodegradation
Understanding cis-DCE and VC Biodegradation – Longstanding scientific question now resolved, knowledge enables DoD to improve management of chlorinated solvent-contaminated sites. More
Eliminating Cr from Medium Caliber Gun Barrels – Gun barrels coated with environmentally friendly tantalum-tungsten last three times as long as barrels coated with hazardous hexavalent chromium. More
Eliminating Cr from Medium Caliber Gun Barrels
Predicting Responses to Landscape Changes
Predicting Responses to Landscape Changes – Modeling tool informs land use and habitat management decisions, improving both mission sustainability and conservation planning. More
Applying Statistics and Modeling to UXO Discrimination – Robust statistical methods and modeling techniques significantly improve DoD’s ability to distinguish UXO from harmless metal objects. More
Applying Statistics and Modeling to UXO Discrimination
Composites with Low HAP Compounds
Composites with Low HAP Compounds – New resin formulations significantly decrease worker exposure to HAP emissions, while meeting critical military requirements for composite materials. More
Plants and Military Ranges Graphic
Using Plants to Sustain Military Ranges – Research shows that existing and genetically engineered plants can be used to remediate RDX and TNT. More
Sonar Key to Detecting Underwater UXO – Innovative structural acoustic sonar system can help in identifying and characterizing underwater UXO. More
Sonar Key to Detecting Underwater UXO Graphic
Monitoring and Mapping Coral Reefs – Mosaic technology enables efficient and accurate mapping and monitoring of coral reefs. More
EPA-Approved Protocol for Range Characterization – Multi-increment sampling approach provides accurate assessment of energetic compounds in range soils. More
Robot Slide
Robotic Laser Coating Removal System – Laser technology protects the environment and reduces health risks to workers, while simultaneously cutting costs. More

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