Employee Engagement

The NCUA created a goal to increase the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey participation rate to 70 percent in 2019. Our employees stepped up to the challenge, and the NCUA is pleased to announce that our participation rate for 2019 was 84.1 percent, 14 percentage points above our goal. This is an increase of 25.7 percentage points from 2018. Eight hundred and ninety-one of the 1,060 agency employees employed as of October 2018 took the survey.

The overall federal government participation rate was 42.6 percent. The participation rate for other mid-sized federal agencies was 63.6 percent.

Broad internal marketing by the agency, using multiple communication channels and designating FEVS Champions in every office, led to this achievement. NCUA’s leadership thanks all the employees who took the time to participate in the survey.

The survey period ran from May 14 to June 25, 2019.

One of the NCUA’s strategic objectives is improving organizational effectiveness and enhancing employee engagement. One strategy the agency used was he creation of Workforce Engagement Action Planning by every office.. Because of this strategy, the agency’s engagement index rose from 67 percent to 69 percent. In addition, Global Satisfaction and New Inclusion Quotient Indices both increased two percentage points in 2019.

The Office of Minority and Women Inclusion promotes engagement through inclusion. Employee resource groups, special emphasis programs, and other programs are designed to create an environment where employees feel valued, respected, and able to contribute to their fullest potential.

One such program, VIBE, is an employee-focused effort to enhance engagement by focusing on four key behaviors that boost engagement and inclusion: Valuing differences, Intentionally including, Breaking biases, and Embracing change.

In 2019, NCUA chartered a new Culture, Diversity and Inclusion Council, as a subcommittee of the Talent Management Council, to build an organization culture where our shared values, beliefs and behavioral norms around equity, diversity, inclusion, engagement and leadership align with our agency’s strategic priorities to optimize organizational performance.

NCUA will continue its efforts to improve employee engagement and their overall work experience through diversified groups of employee stakeholders to help drive improvements identified by each office. Senior leaders will continue to analyze the 2019 FEVS results to ensure improvement where necessary and celebrate successes.

NCUA senior leaders take great pride in the professionalism, deduction and commitment of our employees. We are committed to enhancing employee satisfaction and their work/life balance.

Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Results

201920182017, 2016, 2015

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