Congressional Submissions

2/3/2020 Congressional Budget Justification 2021
3/18/2019 Congressional Budget Justification 2020
3/12/2019 Chairman Taub Testimony: A Path to Sustainability: Recommendations from the President’s Task Force on the United States Postal Service
2/13/2018 Congressional Budget Justification 2019
5/23/2017 Congressional Budget Justification 2018
2/7/2017 Chairman Taub Testimony: Accomplishing Postal Reform in the 115th Congress - H.R. 756, The Postal Service Reform Act of 2017
5/11/2016 Acting Chairman Taub Testimony: Reforming the Postal Service: Finding a Viable Solution
2/4/2016 Congressional Budget Justification Fiscal Year 2017
1/18/2016 Acting Chairman Taub Testimony: Laying Out the Reality of the United States Postal Service
6/16/2015 Robert G. Taub Testimony regarding Terminal Dues Treaty Negotiations Conducted Through the UPU
