U.S. Department of the Interior

Graphic of trees and lake scenery.
Who We Are

The Region performs an oversight role for States in the Region that have primacy and regulate surface coal mining activities and reclamation on lands within their jurisdiction.

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Featured News and Stories

Available: Bull Mountains Mine EA, FONSI and ASLM approval document

Available: Bull Mountains Mine No. 1 EA, FONSI and mining plan modification approval document

OSMRE announces the release of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Bull Mountains Mine No. 1 mining plan modification approval. Please visit the OSMRE Projects page. There you will be able to view and download all documents relating to this project.

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Scene of the West Antelope Mine

Available: Spring Creek Mine EA, FONSI, and ASLM approval document

The Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management approved the Spring Creek Mine, Mining Plan Modification for Federal Lease MTM069782 on July 17, 2020. Please visit the Federal Lands Mining Plan Decision Document NEPA Compliance Documentation webpage.

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Falkirk Mine Environmental Assessment Notice of Intent

Falkirk Mine Environmental Assessment Notice of Intent

OSMRE announces the notice of intent to conduct public scoping on the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) with co-lead agency, BLM, which will analyze potential impacts of leasing and mining Federal coal at the Falkirk Mine.

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Freedom Mine Environmental Assessment Notice of Intent

Freedom Mine Environmental Assessment Notice of Intent

OSMRE announces the notice of intent to conduct public scoping on the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) with co-lead agency, BLM, which will analyze potential impacts of leasing and mining Federal coal at the Freedom Mine.

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Center Mine Mining Plan Environmental Assessment Notice of Availability

Bull Mountains Mine Environmental Assessment Notice of Availability

OSMRE announces the release of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for public comment for the new Federal mining plan for Bull Mountains Mine.

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Center Mine Mining Plan Environmental Assessment Notice of Availability

Center Mine Mining Plan Environmental Assessment Notice of Availability

OSMRE announces the release of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for public comment for the new Federal mining plan for Tract 1 in Permit BNCR-1101 at the Center Mine.

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Interior Regions Map for OSMRE

This is a map of the Unified Interior Regions for the U.S. Department of the Interior.

View the OSMRE Map containing the contact information for States, Tribes, and the Bureau.

Page Last Modified/Reviewed: 12/2/20

Western Region OSMRE, PO Box 25065, Lakewood, CO 80225-0065
TTY: (202) 208-2694 | Email:

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