Articles Editor: Maggie Robinson

“USCRN and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse”

by ATDD Staff

On August 21, 2017, scientists and engineers of the Air Resources Laboratory’s Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division led multiple research and outreach activities associated with the total solar eclipse. Nine of the one-hundred fourteen USCRN stations were on the solar eclipse’s narrow totality path across the lower 48 states. Sensor readings and more information about observations are available in this article.
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“A Breath of Fresh Air?”

by Rick Saylor

Take a deep breath. Go on, a really deep breath. Feels good, doesn’t it? Breathing is something you usually don’t take much notice of, yet is vital for your continuing survival. We can’t last more than a few minutes without breathing, taking in oxygen that is needed to fuel each of our body’s cells and flushing out unneeded waste materials, primarily carbon dioxide. Each breath you take while at rest is about 500 milliliters (roughly one-half of a quart) in volume. But did you know that with each breath, you also inhale a variety of other substances besides oxygen?
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“Underestimating Ammonia”

by LaToya Myles

A 2009 Nature Geoscience described how satellite data may be used to identify global ammonia hotspots. Ammonia emissions are difficult to measure and model, leading to large uncertainties in global and regional inventories. ARL scientist LaToya Myles penned a News & Views article in the same issue explaining the contributions that satellite measurements of ammonia can make to air quality research and international policy development.
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Science Students get “blown away” in ATDD wind tunnel facility

by Michael Potter

On July 20, 2017, ATDD hosted the Wind Energy team from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)/ORAU Science Academy. They visited the ATDD wind tunnel facility to have their model wind turbines tested. The team was comprised of nine students from eight different Appalachia states. This is the seventh year ATDD has participated in this annual event.
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