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Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Contact: Brittney Manchester
Tel: 202-606-2402

Highest Percentage of Veterans Hired by the Federal Government in Over 20 Years

Veterans Employment Council discusses new data and other progress made since Executive Order in 2009

Washington, DC - The President's Council on Veterans Employment, which is made up of 24 cabinet level and other independent agencies, met to discuss the progress made in implementing Executive Order 13518, Employment of Veterans in the Federal Government. Discussion included Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 preliminary data indicating that the federal government has hired the highest percentage of veterans in over 20 years.

"President Obama created the Veterans Employment Initiative to help employ our veterans, transitioning service members and military spouses - an integral part of keeping our sacred promise to America's Veterans. It's working," said John Berry, Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). "The President's Council on Veterans Employment established and pursued aggressive goals, and for our veterans, meeting those goals means jobs that serve the American people and help sustain the growth that supports the propriety and leadership in the world. I'm proud of the Council's success in keeping these highly trained and experienced individuals working for our nation, particularly the over one million who served in Iraq."

Veteran new hires were 28.5 percent of total hires in FY 2011 based on preliminary data. This increase is approximately 4.5 percentage points over the FY 2009 total of 24.0 percent and approximately 2.9 percentage points over the FY 2010 result of 25.6 percent. Other milestone accomplishments that highlight the progress made include:

· In FY 2011, 22 of the 24 agencies included in the President's Veterans Employment Initiative posted percentages above their FY 2009 baselines and/or met their total veteran hires based on preliminary data.

· In FY 2011, 23 of the 24 agencies included in the President's Veterans Employment Initiative posted percentages above their FY 2009 baselines and/or met their goals for total disabled veteran hires based on preliminary data. 

During the Council meeting, the Council approved a pilot program for employing formerly homeless Veterans. The pilot will give these Veterans opportunities to work in a vast array of career fields within the federal government. Positions can be nationwide and the government will perform skills matching to ensure opportunities for long-term career success. Each agency committed to hiring up to two formerly homeless Veterans. The pilot is expected to begin in the spring of 2012.

Also, the Council agreed to let the Military Sexual Trauma group continue their work into identifying barriers to employing Veterans who have experienced sexual trauma in their military careers, particularly homelessness.

The goal of the President's Veterans Employment Initiative is to help federal agencies identify qualified veterans, clarify the hiring process for veterans seeking employment with the federal government, and help them adjust to the civilian work environment once they are hired. The Council is Co-chaired by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Eric Shinseki, and the Secretary of the Department of Labor, Hilda Solis. The Vice-Chairman is OPM Director John Berry.

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