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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Forthcoming Funding Opportunities



Because most solicitations are competitive, we cannot have individual conversations concerning the solicitation with prospective applicants. Any questions concerning open solicitation should be submitted to the NCJRS Response Center by phone 1-800-851-3420 (TTY at 301-240-6310 for hearing impaired only), or by email at [email protected].

Typically, NIJ begins releasing solicitations in late Fall (subject to appropriations availability). We will periodically update the list on this page.

Forensic Technology Center of Excellence, Fiscal Year 2021

NIJ plans to seek proposals from qualified applicants to establish and operate a Forensic Technology Center of Excellence to support NIJ’s research, development, testing, and evaluation process and technology transition activities in all areas of forensic science.

Longitudinal Research on Delinquency and Crime, Fiscal Year 2021

NIJ seeks proposals for funding to conduct an expansion or extension of one or more ongoing/existing longitudinal research studies that focus on delinquency and crime throughout the life-course of the individual, which may include childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. Applicants are encouraged to adopt a holistic approach to the study of child and adolescent development and the emergence, persistence, and desistance of delinquent and criminal offending. The research findings are intended to identify malleable risk and protective factors, which can be effectively targeted in efforts to prevent the onset of delinquency and to intervene in the lives of juvenile and young adult offenders.

National Juvenile Court Data Archive, Fiscal Year 2021

With this solicitation, NIJ, in collaboration with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), seeks proposals to support the National Juvenile Court Data Archive (the Archive). The Archive collects, maintains, and makes accessible the nation’s primary source of detailed information on juvenile court case processing of delinquency and status offense cases.

Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes , Fiscal Year 2021

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for rigorous basic or applied research and development projects. An NIJ forensic science research and development grant supports a discrete, specified, circumscribed project that will 1) Increase the body of knowledge to guide and inform forensic science policy and practice; or 2) Lead to the production of useful material(s), device(s), system(s), or method(s) that have the potential for forensic application.

Research and Evaluation on School Safety, Fiscal Year 2021

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for rigorous research and evaluation projects to study the root causes of school violence to include the impact and effectiveness of grants made under the STOP School Violence Act. NIJ is particularly interested in examining understudied approaches to improve school safety. Of most interest are anti-violence interventions and threat assessment.

Research on Juvenile Reoffending, Fiscal Year 2021

With this solicitation, NIJ, in collaboration with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, seeks proposals for rigorous research projects that improve measurement of juvenile reoffending. NIJ encourages applicants to submit proposals for studies that advance knowledge and understanding of juvenile reoffending and aid jurisdictions and juvenile justice agencies in measuring and using juvenile reoffending data appropriately in their efforts to identify priorities, develop responses, and monitor and assess policies and programs.