National Meetings

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Title Presenter(s) Category Year
Maximizing Technology Commercialization of Federal Research Investments Through the Best Practices at Innovation and Economic Prosperity Universities – Paula Sorrell, Economic Growth Institute, University of Michigan Presentation 2019
Unleashing American Innovation – Dr. Phillip Singerman, NIST Presentation 2019
Building Bridges and Networking to Identify and Exploit Career Opportunities – Ron Kaese, TEDCO Ron Kaese Presentation 2019
Building Bridges and Infrastructure to Support Federal T2 – Santiago Navarro, DOT Santiago Navarro Presentation 2019
STEM Equity Initiative: Traditional Educational Models – Claudia Morrell, STEM Equity Initiative Presentation 2019
Solid Decontamination Blend To Neutralize Biological and Chemical Threats Such As Nerve Gas, and Anthrax Pathogens – Dr. Eric Moore, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center Presentation 2019
Building T2 Career Bridges for Workforce Development – Fizie Haleem (Moderator) Fizie Haleem Presentation 2019
Choice Batter (TM) A New Line of Food Products for People With Celiac Disease – Dr. Robert Griesbach, USDA, Office of Technology Transfer Robert Griesbach Presentation 2019
LabTech in Your Life Overview – Dr. Robert Griesbach, USDA, Office of Technology Transfer Robert Griesbach Presentation 2019
Keynote Address – Jeff Galvin, American Gene Technologies Presentation 2019
FLC Update to the Regions: 2020 Way Ahead – John Dement, FLC Chair John Dement Presentation 2019
Attracting the Private Sector: How to Build Informal Relationships with Federal Labs – Richard A. Bendis, BioHealth Innovation Presentation 2019
DOE Lab Partnering Service – Rob Bectel Presentation 2019
FLC Technology Focus Areas Program – Kevin Barquinero Mr. Kevin Barquinero Presentation 2019
The Road to Licensing and Commercialization – Mojdeh Bahar Mojdeh Bahar Presentation 2019
Artificial Intelligence and T2 – Professor Dean Alderucci Presentation 2019
Technology Focus Areas (TFA): History and Perspective Jim Zarzycki Presentation 2019
DoD Water Innovation Landscape by TechLink Presentation 2019
UWMRF Overview Presentation 2019
NASA Technology Transfer Program Overview Michael Lester Presentation 2019
Argonne's Water Research Highlights Presentation 2019
FLC Overview at Fall Regional Meetings by Chair John Dement John Dement Presentation 2019
U.S. Army CCDC – Ground Vehicles Systems Center Water Technologies Presentation 2019
Energy-Water Desalination Hub Presentation 2019
WEDC – Research and Development in Wisconsin Presentation 2019
The Water Council – Gathering Place by the Waters Presentation 2019
Technology Focus Areas Program Presentations (Part I & II) Mr. Kevin Barquinero Presentation 2019
Thursday Opening Remarks Jackie Kerby Moore, John Dement Presentation 2019
How Can T2 Offices Show a More Direct Return on Investment (ROI) and Tie Back to Labs’ Mission Space and Core Programs? John Dement Presentation 2019
ROI and Lab to Market Next Steps Paul Zielinski, Dr. Walter Copan, JenniferShieh Presentation 2019
