Education and Outreach

Education and Outreach Video Index

Education and Outreach Video List

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Click here to download video!A Superb Naturalist - George Schaller Salute Olaus Murie (00:23:39)

"One of the things that Olaus and Mardy left with me is that you must do something beyond yourself," he says. "And conservation is one of the most basic things you can do. For Olaus and Mardy's sake, I really wish that this will forever remain a memo

Click here to download video!Alaskan Wildlife Experience (00:06:11)

Biologist Chelsea Corcoran/Quadt, talks about her experience at Togiak National Wildlife Refuge near Dillingham, Alaska. She describes counting caribou, tracking wolves, watching walrus, & learning about the Yupik Native way of life. July, 2011.

Click here to download video!Bridging the Gap (01:40:29)

Bridging the Gaps is about understanding and accepting people from each of the four generations (Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials), and learning to interact in ways that increase engagement, satisfaction and productivity. To bring out the best in each employee and volunteer, we must be aware of and adjust to the styles and preferences of each of the four generations in the workforce. During this broadcast, we will discuss the characteristics, preferences, and values of each generation; describe the stereotypes that may get in the way of understanding a different generation; and provide tips to improve communication and interaction between the generations working in the Department of the Interior and its bureaus.

Click here to download video!Career Awareness Toolkit (00:57:34) Presented by Chelsea Corcoran/Quadt. March 2012.

Click here to download video!(Captioned) Career Awareness Toolkit (00:57:34) Presented by Chelsea Corcoran/Quadt. March 2012.

Click here to download video!Career Awareness Toolkit (short version) (00:03:48) Presented by Chelsea Corcoran/Quadt. March 2014.

Click here to download video!Climate Challange: North Cascades National Park (00:57:32)

Click here to download video!Climate Change- Wildlife and Wildlands (00:13:15)

A 12 minute video on climate change science and the impacts on wildlife and their habitat in the US. This video can be used in classrooms as an introduction to the topic, or in visitor centers and interpretive talks in informal educational settings.

Click here to download video!Conserving The Nature of America- An Overview of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (00:03:04)

An Overview of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This 3-minute vid eo presents an overview of the work and activities of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, America’s principal wildlife conservation agency. It is designed to precede formal presentations and programs by Fish and Wildlife Service employees, before general audiences, as a way of acquainting them with the scope and breadth of the work of America’s oldest national conservation agency. It is ideal for use before public audiences, including citizens groups, conservation organizations, and potential partners for cooperative conservation projects. It also makes a useful addition to exhibits at trade shows and public events as a repeating loop, by setting the player on continuous play.

Click here to download video!Fauna & Flora International. - Nicaragua (00:40:00)

NCTC Historian, Dr. Mark Madison hosts an interview with Salvadora Morales of FFI. Salvadora is the Coordinator of the Ometepe Island Project for FFI in Nicaragua. This project is receiving funding support from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service via the Wildlife Without Borders Regional Program for Latin America and the Caribbean. Ometepe is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, designated only fairly recently, in 2010. Recorded June 10, 2011

Click here to down load video!Hands on the Land (00:56:11)

Our webcast will feature “Hands on the Land” (HOL), a network of 120 distinct partnerships between five Federal land management agency sites and local schools focused on promoting educational excellence. HOL provides students across America with hands-on learning in natural and cultural settings, and is coordinated by the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF). USFWS currently counts 13 site-school partnerships among the total. Presenters include Josh Falk, Education Program Officer, NEEF and Maria Arnold, USFWS Youth Program Specialist, NCTC. Host: Michelle Donlan, NCTC. March 4, 2015.

Audience: Project managers, resource managers, visitor services professionals, park rangers, educators, outdoor recreational planners, and anyone whose resource management efforts would be enhanced or supported by youth initiatives.

The Environmental Education Update series (OUT8047), presented quarterly by NCTC’s Division of Education Outreach staff, features current environmental education topics and highlights upcoming courses offered by NCTC and our partners. This is also an opportunity to share the various environmental education resources and training opportunities that are available to USFWS employees and to network with colleagues and partners.

Click here to download video!Last Child in the Woods (01:05:02) Interview with Author Richard Louv. December 2005.

Click here to download video!Migration Science Mystery (00:58:18) Cooper River Delta, Cordova, Alaska. May 10, 2007.

Click here to download video!Motivating Next Generation of Conservation Leaders (01:19:40)

Presented by Adam Kreek, Olympic Gold Medalist, Outdoor Adventurer, and Motivations Speaker. June 13, 2012.

This one-hour webcast is led by Adam Kreek, Olympic Gold Medalist, outdoor adventurer and motivational speaker. In three modules, Adam Kreek shares an overview of his background and philosophy of celebrating success; explores effective initiatives connecting young people to their environment and strategies for our organizations to build on these trends; and discusses key tools for success, including learning and teaching effective risk taking through outdoor experiences, and techniques for overcoming setbacks and failure.

Click here to download video!PollinatorLive- Nature's Partners-Pollinators, Plants & People (01:05:14)

Electronic Field Trip for students in grades 4 - 8 from the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, TX. PollinatorLive is an environmental education program for schools. This program was recorded at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center which is dedicated to preserving native plants and wildflowers and restoring the beauty and the biological richness of North America. Meet the pollinators and their plants and learn how people benefit. Recorded April 13, 2011

Click here to download video!Project EduBat - Education Taking Flight (01:26:36)

Special appearances by live bats and bat experts, Cathy Johnson, U.S. Forest Service, Dianne Odegard, Bat Conservation International, Ann Froschauer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Leslie Sturges, The Save Lucy Campaign. October 29, 2014.

Bats are amazing animals that are vital to the health of our environment and economy - eating tons of insects nightly, pollinating flowers, and spreading seeds that that grow new plants and even trees. This free broadcast will feature activities, resources, and lesson plans to help you teach both children and adults about bats. Learn how to use newly developed bat educational trunks that will be available across the country for your use!

To learn more:

Click here to download video!School Yard Habitat Program (00:10:16)

Karleen Vollherbst and Michelle Donlan introduce the Sacramento FWO School Yard Habitat Program, manual and upcoming training courses through NCTC.

Click here to download video!Youth Orientation to the Fish & Wildlife Service (00:10:28)

Welcomes new youth hires into the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service & Department of the Interior. Includes information on other youth programs and educates youth on other federal employment opportunities, including YCC, SCEP, STEP, and SCA.