Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

A National Coral Reef Action Strategy

A National Coral Reef Action Strategy
Right-click on the image to download the full report (pdf, 1.5 MB)

In September 2002, NOAA, in cooperation with the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force, released a report to Congress entitled A National Coral Reef Action Strategy. This document provides a nation-wide status report on implementation of the National Action Plan to Conserve Coral Reefs and the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000. Below is the complete report, and individual chapters. To receive a hard copy of the report, email name and mailing information to

The Coral Reef Action Strategy (full report, pdf 1.5 MB):

1. Table of Contents (pdf, 7 Kb)

2. Executive Summary (pdf, 12 Kb)

3. Acknowledgements (pdf, 12 Kb)

4. Glossary (pdf, 32 Kb)

5. Introduction (pdf, 140 Kb)

A. Strategy to Conserve Coral Reefs
B. Constaints on Federal Agency Action

6. Coral Reefs - Threatened Ecosystems (pdf, 36 Kb)

A. Coral Reefs are Valuable Ecosystems
B. Major threats to Coral Reefs
C. Ranking of Major Threats to Coral Reefs by Region

7. National Coral Reef Action Strategy Overview (pdf, 32 Kb)

A. Role of Management Actions in Reducing Threats to Coral Reefs
B. Assessment of Priority Actions to Reduce Threats to U.S. Coral Reefs
C. Assessments of Priority Actions to Reduce Threats to International Coral Reefs
D. Action Theme 1: Understanding Coral Reef Ecosystems

Goal 1: Map All U.S. Coral Reef Ecosystems (pdf, 32 Kb)
Goal 2: Assess & Monitor Coral Reef Health (pdf, 32 Kb)
Goal 3: Conduct Strategic Research (pdf, 32 Kb)
Goal 4: Understand Social and Economic Factors (pdf, 36 Kb)

E. Action Theme 2: Reducing the Adverse Impacts of Human Activities

Goal 5: Improve the Use of Marine Protected Areas (pdf, 40 Kb)
Goal 6: Reduce Impacts of Fishing (pdf, 36 Kb)
Goal 7: Reduce Impacts of Coastal Uses (pdf, 32 Kb)
Goal 8: Reduce Pollution (pdf, 36 Kb)
Goal 9: Restore Damaged Reefs (pdf, 28 Kb)
Goal 10: Improve Outreach and Education (pdf, 28 Kb)
Goal 11: Reduce Threats to International Coral Reefs (pdf, 32 Kb)
Goal 12: Reduce Impacts From International Trade in Coral Reef Resources (pdf, 28 Kb)
Goal 13: Improve Coordination and Accountability(pdf, 24 Kb)

8. Federal Funding for Coral Reef Conservation (pdf, 12 Kb)

9. Tables

Table 1: Ranking of Major Threats to Coral Reef Ecosystems by Region (pdf, 12 Kb)
Table 2: Key Actions to Reduce Threats to Coral Reefs (pdf, 12 Kb)
Table 3: Ranking Actions Needed to Reduce Threats to U.S. Coral Reefs (pdf, 16 Kb)
Table 4: Ranking Actions Needed to Reduce Threats to International Coral Reefs(pdf, 12 Kb)
Table 5: Estimates of Federal Agency Funding for Coral Reef Conservation Activities by Agency (1999 - 2002) (pdf, 12 Kb)
Table 6: Estimates of Federal Agency Funding for Coral Reef Conservation Activities by Goal (1999 - 2002) (pdf, 20 Kb)

10. References (pdf, 16 Kb)

11. Appendices

Appendix A - Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 (pdf, 36 Kb)
Appendix B - U.S. Coral Reef Task Force Members and Contacts (pdf, 16 Kb)
