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arrowSelected IES Research Conference Presentations


Beyond p-Values: Characterizing Education Intervention Effects in Meaningful Ways
Mark Lipsey, Vanderbilt University
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Design and Analysis of Single-case Research
Single-Case Research: Standards for Design and Analysis
Tom Kratochwill, University of Wisconsin–Madison
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Enhancing the Scientific Credibility of Single-Case Intervention Research: Randomization to the Rescue
Tom Kratochwill, University of Wisconsin–Madison
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A d-Estimator for Single-Case Designs
Larry Hedges, Northwestern University
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Discussant:Robert Horner, University of Oregon
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Generating Plausible Causal Hypotheses
Larry Hedges, Northwestern University
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Assessing Intervention Fidelity in RCTs: Models, Methods and Modes of Analysis
David S. Cordray & Chris Hulleman, Vanderbilt University
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Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Resource for Researchers
Tate Gould, NCES
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The Linkage of Research and School Finance Policy
Eric Hanushek, Alfred Lindseth
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Problems with the Design and Implementation of Randomized Experiments
Larry V. Hedges, Northwestern University
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The Multiple Comparisons Problem in IES Impact Evaluations: Guidelines and Applications
Peter Z. Schochet and John Deke
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Assessing Intervention Fidelity in RCTs: Concepts and Methods
David S. Cordray, Vanderbilt University
Chris Hulleman, Vanderbilt University
Joy Lesnick, Vanderbilt University
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Meeting Data Collection Challenges of the Future
James Griffith, NCES
Ted Socha, NCES
Thomas Weko, NCES
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Using the Instrumental Variables Technique in Educational Research
Larry Hedges, Northwestern University
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Guidelines for Multiple Testing in Impact Evaluations
Peter Z. Schochet, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
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Do Your Assessment Instruments Measure Up?
Gerald Tindal, University of Oregon
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