Welcome to the MSPB

This search tool allows you to search the entire MSPB public document collection including but not limited to annual and administrative reports, studies and other MSPB publications, and MSPB decisions and case reports. You may search all documents or by document type. Please note that if you select the ‘decisions’ document type you will be redirected to the MSPB decisions search page (https://www.mspb.gov/decisions/decisions.htm). Most documents open in the Adobe format. If you do not have the free Adobe Reader software, download it here.

Select a search type (or use the default 'ALL (except decisions)' selection) and then search for either a phrase (ex., Student Career, annual report) or words and connectors (John & Smith & Defense, John & Defense or Smith & Defense). You do not have to use quotation marks. /s may be used for same sentence (disabled /s veteran), /p for same paragraph (barriers /p hispanic).