NAW 2020 log and banner

Thank You for Participating in National Apprenticeship Week









What is National Apprenticeship Week?

National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) is a nationwide celebration that brings together business leaders, career seekers, labor, educational institutions, and other critical partners to demonstrate their support for apprenticeship. NAW also provides apprenticeship sponsors with the opportunity to showcase their programs, facilities, and apprentices in their community. The week-long celebration highlights the benefits of apprenticeship in preparing a highly-skilled workforce to meet the talent needs of employers across diverse industries. NAW 2020 was held on November 8-14, 2020.

View examples from NAW 2019. 

National Apprenticeship Week 2020 Events and Proclamations

Search the map below to find registered events and proclamations issued by our partners at the local, state, or federal level from NAW 2020.

Need to make changes to a previously submitted event or proclamation? Request edits or updates.

Questions? Email us at

Want to learn more about apprenticeship? Visit our Registered Apprenticeship Program and Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Program resources.

Interested in viewing National Apprenticeship Week resources to prepare for next year? Visit the Event and Proclamations Resources page.

Use the Apprenticeship Finder to search for apprenticeship opportunities near you.

Share With Us

Follow the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and tag us in photos as you prepare for and host future NAW events.