Commemorative works are key elements in Washington, DC’s symbolic landscape, telling stories of our nation’s history and heritage, and recognizing leaders, events, and groups. NCPC plays a critical role in guiding the location and design of federal commemorative works through policy and review. NCPC also works to ensure future generations have commemoration opportunities, and encourages new approaches through plans and initiatives.

Highlight: Memorials for the Future

In 2016 the National Park Service and the National Capital Planning Commission, in collaboration with Van Alen Institute, conducted Memorials for the Future, an ideas competition that aimed to rethink the way we develop and experience memorials, creating new ideas for honoring our diverse histories, heritage, and culture.

Selected from 89 teams from eight countries, the winner and finalists all offered innovative approaches to share and add new narratives, and connect people and places from across the nation.

Some of the most compelling and relevant themes and trends identified included engaging the present and future as much as the past; allowing for changing narratives; and considering ephemeral, mobile, and temporary forms.

NCPC Key Guidance

Commemorative Works Act

This federal law directs NCPC to review and approve the site and design for commemorative works located on federal lands in Washington, DC or its environs. Originally passed in 1986, the law has been amended several times including in 2003 when Congress established the “Reserve,” an area on the National Mall where no new memorials are permitted.

Read More Reserve Map

Visitors & Commemoration Federal Element

This element sets forth NCPC’s policies for visitor destinations that include federal and cultural institutions; attractions including memorials, monuments, and national landmarks; and spaces for national events and public gatherings.

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Use an interactive map to locate and learn more about
commemorative works on federal land in Washington, DC.

Commemorative Works Map

Related Plans and Documents

  • Memorial Trends and Practice Report

    This report, prepared in consultation with the National Park Service and the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, provides context about the commemorative planning process and highlights recent research on memorial planning and construction.

  • Commemorative Works Catalog

    NCPC and the National Park Service established an inventory of federal commemorative works, including key attributes, as a precursor to the Memorial Trends and Practice Report and the basis of the interactive Commemorative Works Map.

  • Commemorative Works Act Amendment

    This amendment to the original 1986 Commemorative Works Act established an area around the National Mall called the "Reserve" in which no new memorials are permitted.

  • Memorials and Museums Master Plan

    This plan identifies future memorial and museum sites and provides guidelines for their location.

  • Extending the Legacy: Planning America's Capital for the 21st Century

    This document is NCPC's long-range vision to drive federal investment in memorials, museums, and public buildings into all city quarters.

  • Commemorative Works Act

    Congressed passed the Commemorative Works Act in 1986 to provide a framework for establishing memorials in Washington, DC and its environs. The law requires NCPC and the Commission of Fine Arts to review and approve the site and design for commemorative works and established the National Capital Memorial Advisory Committee (NCMAC) as an advisory body on matters related to commemoration.
