COMMUNITY ASDSO's Mission is to Improve the Condition and Safety of Dams Through Education, Support for State Dam Safety Programs, and Fostering a Unified Dam Safety Community.
Advocacy ASDSO Provides Representation for Dam Safety Interest Before Congress, State Legislatures, and Executive Branches.
PUBLIC SAFETY AT DAMS Keep Your Distance, Keep Your Life
Dam Owner Outreach ASDSO Provides Resources for Dam Owners.
Training Fundamentals of Concrete Construction Inspections for Dams and Appurtenant Structures
Fundamentals of Concrete Construction Inspections for Dams and Appurtenant Structures Online 01/12/2021
Training Improving Emergency Operations for Dam and Levee Failures and Incidents
Improving Emergency Operations for Dam and Levee Failures and Incidents Online 01/26/2021 - 01/28/2021
Training Drilling Plans and Hazard Evaluations for Dams and Levees
Drilling Plans and Hazard Evaluations for Dams and Levees Online 02/09/2021
Training Inspection & Assessment of Dams
Inspection & Assessment of Dams Online 02/16/2021 - 02/18/2021
Special thanks to our sustaining members