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Alliance for Research Progress

The Alliance for Research Progress (Alliance) is a group of patient and family advocates from national voluntary organizations representing individuals with mental illness, as well as their family members and all those concerned about them. The Alliance is convened annually to hear information on research advances, to allow representatives to share their views and concerns about current Institute priorities directly with the NIMH Director and senior staff, and to encourage networking among stakeholder groups.

Meetings Highlights

October 19, 2018, Bethesda, MD

Featured presentations and discussion focused on Prediction and Prevention of Psychosis in At Risk Youth, Evaluation of the National Zero Suicide Model in Real-World Clinical Settings, the Role of Cognitive Neuroscience in Alleviating Neuropsychiatric Symptom, and an NIMH Alliance Engagement Session.

September 15, 2017, Bethesda, MD

Featured presentations and discussion focused on Pioneering Fast-Acting Treatments for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Mechanism and Treatment of Depression, and Family-Centered Research: New Approaches to Partner with Consumers to Improve Child Mental Health Services.

September 23, 2016, Rockville, MD

Featured presentations and discussions focused on the Emergency Department Screening for Teens at Risk for Suicide (ED-STARS), the NIH Precision Medicine Initiative, improving outcomes for youth with bipolar disorder, and suicide prevention after jail detention.

September 16, 2015, Rockville, MD

Featured presentations and discussion on depression and resiliency; an update on the Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode (RAISE) Early Treatment Program; an update on the Precision Medicine Initiative; and some thoughts on barriers to getting certain mental health treatments.

October 14, 2014, Rockville, MD

Featured presentations and discussion about the NIMH Strategic Plan; the Mood Patient-Powered Research Network—thePatient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute effort most relevant to mental health; and the use of mobile data and behavioral analytics to improve health outcomes; and the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers, a study focusing on mental health resilience and suicide risk among military personnel.

February 7, 2014, Rockville, MD

Included presentations and discussion about psychotherapeutic standards, the new agenda for suicide prevention research, psychiatric genetics, discoveries in eating disorders, and the application of findings from the RAISE program for early treatment of psychosis.