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Discovering the causes of cancer and the means of prevention

DCEG's Mission

The mission of DCEG is to conduct broad-based, high quality, high impact research to uncover the causes of cancer and the means of its prevention. DCEG maintains a national and international perspective, giving priority to emergent issues identified through epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory observations, as well as to public health concerns identified by the NCI, Congress, regulatory agencies, and other appropriate bodies. The Division develops research resources and strategic partnerships in molecular epidemiology across NCI, NIH, and the global research community. The Division holds as its top priority the training and development of the next generation of scientists in cancer epidemiology and related fields.

DCEG is uniquely able to conduct epidemiology research projects that:

  • Are high risk,
  • Need long-term commitments of funding and scientific staff,
  • Require a national programmatic approach,
  • Need a quick response to emerging public health or scientific issues,
  • Might go unattended by groups without a national and international reach, or
  • Require an interdisciplinary approach that is fostered by the breadth and interactive potential of the intramural research program of NCI and NIH.