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Welcome to the Computational Bioscience Program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus!

The Computational Bioscience Program brings a pioneering new approach to computation that advances human health and the molecular understanding of life. Founded and directed by Prof. Lawrence Hunter, the Program is globally recognized for its research and teaching of computational biology and bioinformatics at the University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus. The Program is designed to produce graduates with depth in computational methods and molecular biomedicine, an intimate familiarity with the science and technology that synthesizes the two, and the skills necessary to pioneer novel computational approaches to significant biomedical questions.

Outstanding biomedical research now requires inventive computational tools to harness the torrent of post–genomic data. Our computational innovations have led to significant insights across a broad spectrum of biomedicine. Deeper insight, arrived at more quickly, is what medicine needs today.

Learning how to make such contributions is hard. Our award-winning PhD in Computation Bioscience and post-doctoral training programs create productive, interdisciplinary scientists in a relatively short period of time. Our students begin supervised research immediately, collaborating with top scientists, working with the latest high–throughput instruments on critical biomedical problems.

We are currrently accepting applicationsfor our Colorado Biomedical Informatics Summer Training Fellowship. This paid program lasts from May through July 2018. Applications are due on March 1, 2018.

Students will participate in an 8-week summer research program that includes: Biology for computer scientists, Ethics for Biomedical Informatics, Scientific communication workshop and, Research rotation culminating in a presentation.

For complete informaiton please see the flyer. The application can be found here. Please contact Elizabeth Wethington with any questions.

The Computational Bioscience Program at the University of Colorado, School of Medicine anticipates four openings for NLM (NIH) funded postdoctoral fellowships. The Computational Bioscience Program is home to sixteen core faculty working in the areas genomics, visualization, text mining, knowledge representation, network analysis, molecular evolution, phylogenetics, statistical methods, microarray, biomedical ontology, and other areas.  The School of Medicine is home to a broad array of outstanding research and instrumentation, including extensive DNA sequencing and microarray facilities, and more.  We are housed on the first all-new medical campus of the 21st century, close to both the urban amenities of Denver and the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Please visit our Job Opportunities page for more information. 

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The Ph.D. Program                              Check out the Hanalyzer on You Tube The Postdoctoral Program                         About Our Research

Educational Mission Statement & Learning Objectives





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