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Cyberseminars Series Codes


HERC Health Economics Course: Econometrics with Observational Data (HEC) - This course is intended to provide an introduction to econometric methods used to analyze data in health services research. Topics will include: the linear regression model; research design; propensity scores; the instrumental variable model; nonlinear regression models; binary, count, and categorical dependent variables; and cost as the dependent variable. Course material will assume knowledge of basic probability and statistics and familiarity with the linear regression model.
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Conducting Cost-Effectiveness Analysis with VA Data (HCEA)- A multi-session course that focuses on cost-effectiveness analysis and budget impact analyses. Special attention is placed on experimental designs, but the method generalize to observational studies. The course includes lectures on micro-costing the intervention, using VA pharmacy data, and decision modeling. This is an introductory course; prior experience with research methods is helpful but not required.
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HERC Health Economics Cyber Seminar Series (HMCS) - The Health Economics Cyber Seminars feature presentations by HERC staff and invited experts on a variety of health economic and health services topics. Held monthly, sessions are recorded and archived for on-demand access after the live sessions.
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QUERI Implementation Seminar Series (QI) - This series about implementation science features presenters from VA/HSR&D's Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI). Implementation science focuses on research that examines methods to accelerate the implantation of evidence-based clinical practices in routine healthcare settings. Faculty will share information about QUERI implementation processes, methods and lessons learned. Those who may benefit from attending these sessions include clinicians, researchers, administrators, and policymakers who are interested in learning more about implementation science and the tools needed to promote evidence-based medicine.
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QUERI Implementation Practice (QIP) - This series is intended for healthcare system clinical and administrative leaders and the researchers who partner with them to improve healthcare quality and performance. Presentations feature key VA and non-VA experts in quality and safety improvement. Presentations describe innovative improvement strategies and approaches employed by VA operations and research leaders as well as approaches developed outside VA but with potential application to the VA setting.
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QUERI Implementation Research (QIR) - This series features presentations on state-of-the art topics in implementation science, including innovative research design and methods, theories and research questions. Presenters include VA and non-VA leaders in implementation science working in healthcare delivery and public health. Presentations are designed for novice implementation researchers as well as those with considerable experience in designing, conducting and documenting implementation studies.
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QUERI Enhancing Implementation Science (EIS) Cyber Seminar Series includes separate collections of presentations related to the CIPRS "Enhancing Implementation Science in VA" training programs ( The six EIS Cyber Seminars delivered from January to June 2011 were follow-up seminars to a July 2010 training conference. A new set of EIS Cyber Seminars will be offered beginning in May 2012. This series of EIS Cyber Seminars will replace the traditional in-person EIS training program for 2012 and represent a "distance learning" version of the EIS training program. The six EIS series presentations from May to July 2012 will cover the core topics in the EIS introductory curriculum, while a second set of presentations beginning in September 2012 will cover the EIS advanced curriculum.
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QUERI Implementation Research Group (IRG) - This monthly series features presentations on current best practices in implementation science to enable translation of evidence-based clinical practices into healthcare settings in a sustained manner. Sessions feature innovative research design, method details, framework utility, and implementation strategies, such as adaptations, facilitation, audit and feedback, and configurational comparative methods. Presenters include VA and non-VA leaders in implementation science working in healthcare delivery and research. Presentations are designed for clinicians and implementation scientists with an interest in designing, conducting and documenting implementation studies.
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VIReC Clinical Informatics Series (VCI) - This monthly seminar presents expert discussion of key issues in clinical informatics for VA researchers. Join experts from the VA Information Resource Center (VIReC) and the Center of Excellence on Implementing Evidence-Based Practice for these lively and informative presentations.
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VIReC Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW) - VIReC is hosting periodic cyber seminars on using the Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW) for research. Pioneering users of the CDW will present lessons learned from their own experiences to assist researchers new to these data.
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VIReC Databases and Methods Series (VDM) - VIReC staff and invited experts present this monthly seminar to assist VA researchers in accessing and using VA databases for research. The topic and title of the monthly session will be distributed via email in advance of the session.
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VIReC Good Data Practices (GDP) - VIReC is hosting a mini-series emphasizing the importance of applying good data practices in the management and analysis of data for research. Three sessions will focus on the value of early data planning and continuous documentation throughout a research life cycle. In the last two sessions, experienced VA researchers will describe their own research and how these principals might be applied at various stages. Researchers and research staff beginning new projects and those looking to improve their data practices may find aspects of this series beneficial.
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Partnered Research (VPR) - VIReC's newest cyberseminar series, "Partnered Research," addresses the needs of HSR&D researchers by focusing on the use of operational data resources in research and quality improvement efforts. Sessions emphasize partnered research experiences and operational data resources that are available to VA researchers.

Target audience: QUERI researchers, CREATE project staff, researchers focused on quality improvement, quality improvement managers, operations staff and managers, other key stakeholders.

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Research and EHR Synergy (REHRS) - This series is produced by VIReC in conjunction with the ORD Strategic Initiative for Research & EHR Synergy (OSIRES) and the VA Coordinating Hub to Promote Research Optimizing Veteran-Centric EHR Networks (PROVEN) to help VA researchers understand VA's Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) transition process and its potential impacts and opportunities. Sessions will highlight issues such as: using the Millennium EHR for research; accessing and using Millennium-generated data; and VA research contributions to enhancing EHRM implementation and impact.

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Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH) - This series was developed to align with the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, which mandates research on and provision of evidence-based non-pharmacological approaches to pain management. The CIH series is sponsored by the VA Complementary and Integrative Health Evaluation Center (CIHEC), a QUERI Partnered Evaluation Initiative with the Office of Patient Centered Care and Cultural Transformation (OPCC&CT). VA allows for 8 CIH approaches in its medical benefits package, such as yoga, meditation and acupuncture, and research into these will often be the topics of this series.
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Communication Strategies for Health Services Researchers - Evidence-based changes in healthcare policy are reliant on communicating and disseminating research findings. Additionally, continued funding may depend on your ability to communicate the value of your research to policymakers, colleagues, and the public, with each of these groups requiring its own messaging approaches. This Cyberseminar series focuses on communication strategies specifically for health services researchers. Presenters are researchers or communication professionals working in health services.
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COnsortia of REsearch - HSR&D has funded four COnsortia of REsearch (COREs), each focused on a VA research priority area: Access, Suicide Prevention, Virtual Care, and Opioid Reduction and Pain Management. The goal of the COREs is to accelerate research that will lead to measurable improvements in the care delivered to Veterans in each of these priority areas. The CORE Cyberseminar series is a monthly webinar schedule that is available to be shared among the four consortia. At this time two are using this schedule:

Suicide Prevention Research Cyberseminar series: The overall goal of the Suicide Prevention Research Impact NeTwork (SPRINT) Consortia of Research (CoRe) Cyberseminars is to accelerate VA suicide prevention (SP) research that will improve care and reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviors among Veterans. Cyberseminars will focus on presenting high-quality, high-priority, and high impact SP research being conducted by VA.

Veterans Access Research Consortium (VARC): This CORE focuses on research to improve perceived or actual geographical, temporal, financial, cultural, and/or digital access to care for Veterans. Cyberseminars will cover the ongoing work of the VARC workgroups, updates from operational leaders on VA's latest access-related priorities, and presentations of research and evaluation studies by access researchers across VA.

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Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research (CHIR) - The Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research (CHIR) is a multi-disciplinary group of collaborating investigators affiliated with VA sites from across the US. The mission of CHIR is to improve the health of Veterans through foundational and applied informatics research. The primary purpose of CHIR is to advance the effective use of unstructured text and other types of clinical data in the electronic health record using natural language processing and other cutting edge technology. This series of cyber seminars highlights the tools, methods, and results of multiple CHIR research projects. The investigators and core research staff present their work in a format suitable for researchers ranging from informatics experts to traditional clinicians.
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Focus on Health Equity Action Series (FHEA) - This quarterly series spotlights Veteran health equity activities that promote the implementation of the VHA Health Equity Action Plan (HEAP). Sessions focus on VHA programs, projects, and initiatives that raise awareness and serve as a best or promising practice that diminishes, and where possible eliminates, health disparities. Attendees are encouraged to take action against health disparities and at a minimum not increase existing disparities.
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HSR&D Career Development Award Enhancements Initiative Series - The CDAei cyberseminar series, developed in conjunction with CIDER, is a valuable mechanism for helping to strengthen the HSR&D CDA community of scholars. It offers CDAs a national-level forum for sharing each other’s research within the HSR&D CDA community. Also it fosters intra- and inter-disciplinary collaborative relationships and peer mentoring among CDAs, CDA alumni, and mentors. Cyberseminars on mentoring topics can help awardees establish and maintain successful mentorships and gain valuable skills as independent researchers. And the series offers access to uniform content for the broader HSR&D CDA community, thus overcoming variations in the mentoring infrastructure and number of CDAs across VHA facilities; a cost-effective way for overcoming geographical barriers by facilitating the sharing of relevant information and encouraging engagement in the national HSR&D CDA community.
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HSR&D Timely Topics of Interest (TTOI) series addresses topics selected by VACO leadership and of high importance to the HSR&D field which are not otherwise addressed within the scope of another series. Some examples of past TTOI seminars include: A Re-conceptualization of Access for 21st Century Healthcare; Using Evaluation to Improve our Work: A Resource Guide; Quality Improvement Toolkits; and Transparency Initiatives in the VA.
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Mild TBI Cyberseminar Series (TBI) - This TBI webinar series is intended for clinicians, research personnel and administrators caring for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury. Subject matter experts and ORD researchers will present emerging research findings for diagnosis and management of Traumatic Brain Injury, particularly mTBI/concussion and resulting chronic disabilities. Diagnosis and management of mTBI and associated comorbid conditions will be covered in a systematic fashion, with ample opportunity for questions from field providers. These cyberseminars present ongoing advances in understanding etiology, diagnosis and long term management of TBI with specific goals of improving diagnosis and management strategies.
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Modeling to Learn for VHA Suicide Prevention: Team Simulation Learning for Local Mental Health Care Improvement - This Cyberseminar mini-series will focus on the suicide prevention module of Modeling to Learn. The first session introduces the Modeling to Learn program. It will demonstrate how the module titled Measurement Based-Stepped Care (MBSC) for Suicide Prevention helps teams explore the local effects of implementing MBSC on patients' symptoms and risk. In session two, investigators will explore the impacts of implementing measurement-based care to reduce delays in detecting patients at high risk for suicide. In session 3, they will explore possible improvements to the quality of care by making better team decisions about when to step patients up to a higher level of care or step them down to a lower level of care. Finally, in session 4, researchers will review the impact of combining both measurement-based care and stepped care on care quality.
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Patient Aligned Care Teams (PACT) Demonstration Labs - This series is intended for clinical and administrative staff and leadership participating in the Patient Aligned Care Teams (PACT) initiative, and for research and operations personnel evaluating this transition. PACT is transforming VHA primary care to a patient centered medical home model. The PACT Demonstration Laboratories were established in 5 VISNs to evaluate PACT implementation and develop programs to support and enhance PACT. Presentations by PACT Demonstration Lab clinical and research personnel cover key components and emerging issues in PACT implementation.
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Spotlight on Mental Health Centers of Excellence Cyberseminar Series (SoMH) - This series is jointly sponsored by VA Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D), VA Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and the VHA Mental Health Centers of Excellence (MH CoEs). The overarching goal of this Cyber Seminar series is to disseminate research-based evidence and best practices in broad areas of mental health in order to: a) inform clinical practice decisions to improve outcomes for Veterans with mental health conditions, b) foster collaborations between health services and mental health researchers to advance evidence based knowledge in mental health care, c) provide a forum for discussing practice and policy implications of VA mental health services research, and d) encourage partnered research that is informed by high priority practice and policy initiatives in VA.
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Spotlight on Pain Management (SoPM) Cyber Seminar series is jointly sponsored by the VA Pain Management Program, the Pain Research, Informatics, Multi-morbidities, and Education (PRIME) Center, and the Center for Information Dissemination and Educational Resources (CIDER). SoPM targets VA health services and clinical investigators, clinicians, educators and policy makers. Its key objective is to provide a forum for discussing practice and policy implications of VA pain-relevant health services research and for encouraging pain-relevant health services research that is informed by high priority practice and policy initiatives in VA. Broadly, SoPM is designed to support the National Pain Management Strategy by promoting evidence-based transformational improvements in pain management for Veterans.
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Spotlight on Women's Health (SoWH) Cyber Seminar series is sponsored by the VA Women's Health Research Consortium. The consortium, and this Cyber Seminar series, was developed to meet the following needs: Use research to help transform VA care; arm VA investigators with knowledge, skills and collaborations necessary to generate new scientific knowledge using evidence-based care models, interventions, strategies for transforming VA care for women; and help VA HSR&D meet its WH research performance measures.
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Suicide Prevention Cyberseminar Series (SoSP) - This series is jointly sponsored by VA Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) and a multi-disciplinary group of VHA suicide prevention investigators from various centers across the nation, including the Rocky Mountain MIRECC for Suicide Prevention, the Center of Excellence (CoE) for Suicide Prevention, and the Center to Improve Veteran Involvement in Care (CIVIC). The overarching goal of this Cyber Seminar series is to disseminate research based evidence and best practices in the area of suicide prevention in order to: a) inform clinical practice decisions to improve outcomes for Veterans at risk for suicidal self-directed violence and b) foster collaborations between researchers to advance evidence based knowledge to reduce Veteran suicide.
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The Evidence Synthesis Program Series (ESP) is sponsored by VA Office of R&D and HSR&D. The Cyber Seminar series presents recently published ESP reports established to provide timely and accurate syntheses/reviews of healthcare topics identified by VA clinicians, managers and policy makers, as they work to improve the health and healthcare of Veterans. The reports provide evidence syntheses on important clinical practice topics relevant to Veterans, and these reports help: develop clinical policies informed by evidence; the implementation of effective services to improve patient outcomes and to support VA clinical practice guidelines and performance measures; and guide the direction for future research to address gaps in clinical knowledge.
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VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure (VINCI):
VINCI provides an environment to improve researchers' access to VA data and to facilitate the analysis of those data while ensuring Veterans' privacy and data security. This cyber seminar series will introduce the functions and processes to access VINCI services and tools to researchers, informaticists, and data analysts.
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VINCI Research Data Sciences (VRDS):
The VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure (VINCI) HSR&D Resource Center introduced the VINCI Research Data Sciences (VRDS) Cyberseminar series in late 2020 as a companion to the VINCI Cyberseminar series. The VRDS series is intended as a showcase of how to use data for health research, natural language processing (NLP), VINCI research, and data analysis. Research and operations personnel who want to get started with data analysis, as well as more experienced research data analysts will find this series beneficial.
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