NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction

Main Entrance of the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (Artist Rendering)

Main Entrance of the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (Artist Rendering)

Project Description

NCWCP Project Description

The NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP) Project is a key component of the National Weather Service (NWS)'s effort to improve its weather and climate modeling performance, to accelerate the transfer of newly developed scientific information into operations, and to improve the use of gloval environmental satellite data. The NCWCP will be located College Park, MD.

This facility will enhance NWS efforts to secure delivery of critical weather forecasts, warning information and data to the Public. The NCWCP is a joint NOAA and General Services Administration (GSA) project to replace and consolidate several NOAA leased facilities—most notably the dilapidated World Weather Building and the leased space in the Air Men's Memorial building in Camp Spring , MD.

This state-of-the-art NCWCP building will consolidate several NOAA programs and support NOAA's weather / climate prediction programs including:

NCWCP Site Plan

NCWCP Site Plan

Additionally, a substantial mechanical, electrical, and communications system has been uniquely designed to provide a secure environment and to sustain 24 hour a day, year around mission critical operations in sensitive areas. Raised floors have been incorporated into the design for telecommunications cabling for most non-public areas of the building as well as for computer rooms.

The NCWCP has been designed to meet Leed ® Silver standard and will incorporates sustainability features such as water-sensitive site design, a green roof, bio retention, energy modeling, day lighting, and low lifecycle environmental impact building materials and finishes.


The NCWCP is located on a 10 acre parcel within the University of Maryland Research Park/Enterprise Campus in Prince George's County, Maryland. The colocation with the University allows for close collaboration with the research community and access to University resources.

NCWCP Project Schedule
Program Phase Schedule (Start - Complete)
Lease Award Date September 2005
Base Building Design Completed December 2006
Construction Start May 2007
Construction completion and Building Occupancy TBD*

* The Developer stopped construction activities in mid-December 2008. The Government is working to address the current impasse to enable completion of the project.